A person who is skilled at geology.
The geologist and the trained archaeologist are associated.
Good teamwork skills are essential for every petroleum geologist.
For geology and mineral resources consult the Reports of the New York State Geologist and the Bulletins of the New York State Museum.
As any self-respecting geologist knows, rocks have a long history and this 25-acre rock island has one as a cold tough prison and much, much more.
Opinion still differs as to the extent to which the geographer's work should overlap that of the geologist.
The Italian geologist Soldani distinguished (1758) between the fossil fauna of the deep sea and of the shore-lines.
At school he was taught geology by Dr. Mabel Tomlinson, a great amateur geologist.
An early discovery of Siberian garnets by Soviet geologist Larissa Popugaieva may have led to the eventual founding of Mirny Mine.
One possible champion is Lord Ron Oxburgh, the distinguished geologist who also happens to be chairman of Shell.
An oil exploration geologist thinks he will find oil below the shale layer shown below.
Mort Cowan is an independent consultant geologist to the Company.
Professor James Jackson Geologist with an interest in earthquakes, using earthquake source seismology to examine how continents are deforming today.
In 1866 primitive structures were discovered in the island of Therasia by quarrymen extracting pozzolana for the Suez Canal works; and when this discovery was followed up in 1870, on the neighbouring Santorin (Thera), by representatives of the French School at Athens, much pottery of a class now known immedi ately to precede the typical late Aegean ware, and many stone and metal objects, were found and dated by the geologist Fouque, somewhat arbitrarily, to 2000 B.C., by consideration of the superincumbent eruptive stratum.
A geologist might simply be curious about the mineral content of the Rock, on the other hand most non-rockhounds will prefer Alcatraz's history and legends.
In 1823 extensive explorations of the Minnesota and Red River valleys were conducted by Major Stephen Harriman Long (1784-1864), and subsequently (1834-1836) knowledge of the region was extended by the investigations of the artist George Catlin (1796-1872), the topographer George William Featherstonhaugh (1780-1866), and the geologist Jean Nicholas Nicollett (1786-1843).
Far away from their present shores the geologist finds Desiccation.
To prepare a graduate geologist and, or, engineer for professional practice in engineering geology and, or, geotechnical engineering.
For example, the Grade III survey would enable a geologist to start work without waiting for the accurate survey.
He remained in post until 1945 when he was appointed to become district geologist for the North East of England.
Probe has speeded up AN experienced chartered geologist says levels of benzene discovered in Muirfield Close have been played down.
Brown (1831); and it was first mapped by the writer (1855), whose map was revised by John Collett, state geologist (1878).
N.W., was the birthplace of Sir Charles Lyell the geologist; and Cortachy castle, a fine mansion in the Scottish Baronial style, about 4 m.
As a stratigraphical geologist he rendered much assistance on the Geological Survey of France, but in the course of time he gave his special attention to the study of volcanic phenomena and earthquakes, to minerals and rocks; and he was the first to introduce modern petrographical methods into France.
It has a geological and mineralogical museum and under its supervision is carried on the state geological and natural history survey, the state geologist being head of the department of geology and mineralogy of the university.
James Nicol (1769-1819), the poet, was minister of Traquair, and his son James Nicol (1810-1879), the geologist and professor of natural history in Aberdeen University, was born in the manse.
He graduated from Oberlin College in 1850 and from the Albany Medical College in 1853, where he attracted the notice of Professor James Hall, state geologist of New York, through whose influence he was induced to join in an exploration of Nebraska.
It may appear absurd to a geologist that any one could mistake a Cretaceous flora for one of Miocene date, since the marine animals are completely different and the differences are striking.
His brother, Charles Joseph Sainteclaire Deville (1814-1876), geologist and meteorologist, was born in St Thomas on the 26th of February 1814.
He was accompanied by Captain (afterwards Sir Henry) Yule as secretary, and Mr Oldham as geologist, and his mission added largely to our knowledge of the state of the country; but in its main object of obtaining a treaty it was unsuccessful.
In addition to being a forest the Ardennes is a plateau, and it offers to the geologist a most interesting field of investigation.
In 1873 he was appointed geologist and naturalist to the North American boundary commission, and two years later he joined the staff of the geological survey of Canada, of which he became assistant director in 1883, and director in 1895.
The most important feature in this connexion which was noted by the geologist of the RussoAfghan Commission is the existence of vast coal beds in northern Afghanistan.
In 1820 he accompanied General Lewis Cass as geologist in his expedition to the Upper Mississippi and the Lake Superior copper region, and in 1823 he was appointed Indian agent for the Lake Superior country.
No doubt many a smiling valley with its stretching cornfields occupies exactly such a "horrid chasm," from which the waters have receded, though it requires the insight and the far sight of the geologist to convince the unsuspecting inhabitants of this fact.
The thatched house with crow-stepped gables in Church Street, in which Hugh Miller the geologist was born, still stands, and a statue has been erected to his memory.
The name Jotunheim (giants' home) is a modern memorial of the mountain-dwelling giants of Norse fable; the alternative name Jotun Fjelde was the first bestowed on the region, when it was explored in 1820 by the geologist Balthasar Matthias Keilhau (1797-1858).
Shaler, state geologist in 1873-1880, " When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the Silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks.
Among the more important periodicals are the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (Rochester, N.Y., 1889 seq.); the American Journal of Science (New Haven, Conn., 1818 seq.); the American Geologist (Minneapolis, i888 seq.); Journal of Geology (Chicago, 1893 seq.); Economic Geology (Lancaster, Pa., 1905 seq.).
The first president of the institution (from 1873 to 1881) was the distinguished geologist, Edward Orton (1829-1899), who was professor of geology from 1873 to 1899.
Dr Jack, late government geologist of Queensland, considers the extent of the coal-fields of that state to be practically unlimited, and is of opinion that the carboniferous formations extend to a considerable distance under the Great Western Plains.
Elie De Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Leonce (1798-1874), French geologist, was born at Canon, in Calvados, on the 25th of September 1798.