The state of being gentle.
His gentleness was unexpected as he examined the wrapped injury.
Gentleness, equanimity and benevolence were native to him.
Once the Earl of Meath came to see me, and he told me that the queen was much beloved by her people, because of her gentleness and wisdom.
Now he let its gentleness soothe away the hard edges of the day.
His earnest yet sober piety, his humility, his gentleness, appear in almost every line.
She marveled at the combination of strength and gentleness.
In Petersburg, as in Moscow, Pierre found the same atmosphere of gentleness and affection.
When I first turned on the toothbrush, I was surprised by the quietness and gentleness of the vibrations compared to my other electronic Sonicare toothbrush.
The versatility comes from the breed's inherent obedience, intelligence, patience, gentleness and loyalty combined with strength and athleticism.
They represent freedom, gentleness, love, intelligence, and pleasure.
The gentleness of their character, and their passive obedience recall the character of the Russian peasant.
It also asks that " if anyone shall note in this our confession any articles or sentence repugnant of God's Holy Word, that it would please him of his gentleness and for Christian charity's sake, to admonish of the same in writing," promising that if the teaching cannot be proved, to reform it.
Any gentleness he felt with Deidre dissipated at the arrival of her mate.
With little gentleness, the Dark One took her neck when she was close enough.
She leaned up and kissed him, with a first-kiss gentleness.
But, as Tenneman says, he imparted to it "a character of gentleness and benevolence, by making it subordinate to a love of mankind, allied to religion."
Gentleness and docility are specially characteristic of the species, even when full-grown; while in the native state its habits are thoroughly arboreal.
They are inspired also by a fervid and steadfast glow of spirit and reveal a gentleness and humanity of sentiment blended with the severe gravity of the original Roman character.
Other virtues were all his own, his extreme gentleness, his love for children, his flawless honesty, his invariable kindliness, his chivalry to women and the weak.
There is never any seen idle; the head of the house governs it not by a lofty carriage and oft rebukes, but by gentleness and amiable manners.
To the minority of strict Jews he was therefore " the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not "; but the majority he carried with him and, when he was dying (165 B.C.) during his eastern campaigns, he wrote to the loyal Jews as their fellow citizen and general, exhorting them to preserve their present goodwill towards him and his son, on the ground that his son would continue his policy in gentleness and kindness, and so maintain friendly relations with them (2 Macc. ix.).
But Tait had none of Tillotson's gentleness, and he rode roughshod over the obstacles in his way.
At his first convocation he exhorted the bishops to use gentleness rather than rigour in their dealings with heretics; and Pole, in himself, was true to his principle.
He slammed the door closed, subduing her hysterical strikes with unexpected gentleness until she lay strapped to the cold table, weeping.
His hands traveled up her legs with the expertise and gentleness of a doctor, all the while spreading the soft coolness through her.
The following year (1137) saw the deaths of the two powerful princes, Griffith ap Cynan, " the sovereign and protector and peacemaker of all Wales," and Griffith ap Rhys, " the light and the strength and the gentleness of the men of the south."
She understood those words to mean that he had suddenly softened and that this softening and gentleness were signs of approaching death.
The fabrics, alongside the feminine styling of the dresses, evoke a classic gentleness and grace.
In truth, she's emotionally one of the strongest women of the zodiac, but her fluid gentleness deceives Virgo into believing she needs his protection.
Doves would express peace and gentleness, while a sword would indicate protection or a warrior.
His influence was due as much to his saintly character and to the gentleness of his manners as to the force of his reasoning.
The king was now their sovereign lord; and, for all his courtesy and gentleness, the jealousy with which he guarded and the vigour with which he enforced the prerogative plainly showed that he meant to remain so.
He was a man of varied culture, of large breadth and liberality of views, of generous impulses, of great gentleness and courtesy of manner, combined with equal firmness of purpose and energy of action.
Then comes gentleness - the virtue regulative of anger; and the list is concluded by the excellences of social intercourse, friendliness (as a mean between obsequiousness and surliness), truthfulness and decorous wit.
What gentleness and nobility there are in her features and expression! thought he as he looked at her and listened to her timid story.
Deidre touched him tentatively, awed by his size and the gentleness of his touch.
The gentleness for which he was already renowned was not that of a weak, but of a strong character.
He was now indeed their sovereign lord; and, for all his gentleness, the jealousy with which he guarded, the vigour with which he enforced the prerogative, plainly showed that he meant to remain so.
His panther-like physique and tattoos gave him all the appearance of a threat, and yet, he'd fended off her blows with gentleness he didn't have to show.
So potent were his reasonings that Pighius, though owing nothing to the gentleness or courtesy of Calvin, was led to embrace his views.
She wasn't expecting his gentleness or the level of his interest in exploring her body, a combination that rendered her breathless before her clothes were off.
He never disputed on matters of religion, and if obliged to defend himself, did it with gentleness and in a few words.
He took a prominent part in the somewhat troubled church politics of the day, and distinguished himself by gentleness and tact, as well as ability.
The noblest survivals of Buddhism in India are to be found, not among any peculiar body, but in the religion of the people; in that principle of the brotherhood of man, with the reassertion of which each new revival of Hinduism starts; in the asylum which the great Hindu sects afford to women who have fallen victims to caste rules, to the widow and the out-caste; in the gentleness and charity to all men, which takes the place of a poor-law in India, and gives a high significance to the half satirical epithet of the " mild " Hindu.