To go; walk; proceed.
A number going in company; a number of friends or persons associated for a particular purpose.
The gang from our office is going out for drinks Friday night.
A group of laborers under one foreman; a squad.
a gang of sailors; a railroad gang
A criminal group with a common cultural background and identifying features, often associated with a particular section of a city.
a youth gang; a neighborhood gang; motorcycle gang.
A group of criminals or alleged criminals who band together for mutual protection and profit.
The Winter Hill Gang was quite proficient at murdering rival mobsters in order to take over their rackets.
A group of politicians united in furtherance of a political goal.
Not all members of the Gang of Six are consistent in their opposition to filibuster.
A chain gang.
A combination of similar tools or implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor; a set.
a gang of saws; a gang of plows.
A set; all required for an outfit.
a new gang of stays.
(electrics) A number of switches or other electrical devices wired into one unit and covered by one faceplate.
an outlet gang box; a double gang switch.
(electrics) A group of wires attached as a bundle.
Do a drop for the telephone gang, then another drop for the Internet gang, both through the ceiling of the wiring closet.
A going, journey; a course, path, track.
An outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory.
To attach similar items together to form a larger unit.
To participate in a gangbang.
We all got to gangbang the porn star.
To beat one or a smaller amount of people as a gang.
To belong to a gang; to commit criminal acts as part of a gang.
It broke my heart to see him out there gangbanging.
The earthy waste substances occurring in metallic ore.
The Sep- While this assembly was in progress gangs of assassins tember massacres.
In Spitalfields gangs of thieves stood at the street corners and openly rifled all who came near.
Gangs of carpenters hoping for high pay arrived in Moscow every day, and on all sides logs were being hewn, new houses built, and old, charred ones repaired.
He would find a bar where gangs hung out and purposely pick a fight with the biggest, most obnoxious member.
Cicero and Livy bear testimony to the disappearance of a free plebs from the country districts and its replacement by gangs of slaves working on great estates.
The Thugs were a well-organized confederacy of professional assassins, who in gangs of whom 10 to 200 travelled in various guises through India, wormed themselves into the confidence of wayfarers of the wealthier class, and, when a favourable opportunity occurred, strangled them by throwing a handkerchief or noose round their necks, and then plundered and buried them.
He fought for his own hand, but his supremacy was certainly better than the rule of gangs of plundering nobles.
What had previously, it seems, been a well-peopled region, with peasant proprietors, kept healthy by careful drainage, became in the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. a district consisting in large measure of huge estates (latifundia) owned by the Roman aristocracy, cultivated by gangs tion, of slaves.
Small military expeditions had constantly to be employed to break up slave-raiding gangs or reduce to order tribes which blocked trade routes or made war on other tribes living peaceably under British protection.
This was a measure for the repression of local riots, empowering justices in every shire to suppress clubmen (trailbastons), gangs of marauders who had been rendering the roads unsafe.
The stereotypes of happy smiling natives from Columbian cocaine cartels to the Jamaican yardie gangs are transformed.
In the countryside gangs of them roam wild inflicting terrible depredations, kidnapping, burning, looting, holding whole villages to ransom.
But without organized combat detachments, the most heroic masses will be smashed bit by bit by the Fascist gangs.
The girls were shot dead - innocent victims caught up in a bloody feud between two notorious street gangs.
There is not rough justice but rough injustice when neighborhoods are terrorized by gangs and the system is not capable of protecting them.
Yet rural organized criminal gangs still persist in isolated sections of the nation.
Supremacy in the violent world is short lived as younger, hungrier and more ruthless gangs move in.
Steps must now be taken by the Home Office to make child and teenage street gangs redundant before it is too late.
People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to pick on rich women than biker gangs.
As a reporter in the Belfast office of the Dublin-based Sunday World he had investigated the criminal and paramilitary activities of loyalist gangs.
It will also help to tackle the people smuggling gangs who exploit those hoping for a better life.
A visit is not expected to New Orleans, where armed gangs have shot at US military helicopters.
However, the main threat continues to be external fraud, perpetrated by individuals or organized criminal gangs.
We have busted several gangs involved in sectarian killings.
In some villages women were raped by gangs of youths and a growing number were murdered, often by their own kin.
There is also a significant effect in certain areas from poaching gangs who use lurchers to run down hares, often at night.
Mafia gangs involved in the sale of babies abroad is not easy for the Bulgarian police.
The film is a story of drugs, gangs and bloody mayhem with a pinch of black humor thrown in.
Mink attacks threaten water voles - Water voles in parts of East Yorkshire are being targeted by gangs of wild American mink attacks threaten water voles - Water voles in parts of East Yorkshire are being targeted by gangs of wild American mink.
Bow haulers Men working in gangs to pull boats or barges, from the towing paths.
Then the big work started, with several gangs of laborers digging deep pits at timed intervals.
These keelboatmen were exempt from being taken by the navy press gangs.
Also, fully automatic rocket launchers and missiles were increasingly the tools of the trade of criminal gangs and terrorist groups.
There are no ' gangs of racist skinheads ' in the BNP.
In the cities sprawl increasingly " Gangs " which defend their areas with brutal force against intruders.
During the 1980's the large tractors were replaced with mini tractors that pull gangs of self steering trailers behind them.
The slaves were forwarded thence in gangs to different towns, especially to Marrakesh, Fez and Mequinez.
The manufacture of table-ware is carried on by small gangs of men and boys.
Like gangs, " houses " vie for turf and reputation, with fighting replaced by sashaying down catwalks in competitive " balls ".
Ever vigilant, Tony has posted sentries to look out for rival gangs or the rozzers.
As Riddick, players can jump, climb, shimmy across ledges or climb hand-over-hand to avoid guards or roaming prison gangs.
By the 1850s, dozens of gangs thrived in the Irish slums of the major American cities.
A spate of killings have marked the campaign, with police officers frequently becoming targets of organized criminal gangs.
Towns and cities â once peaceful â now overrun with gangs toting guns.
Thinly sliced strawberries find their way into gangs with meat and chilies or served with vegetables boiled in coconut milk.
In those days, gangs were generally comprised of members of the same race and ethnic background.
In 1825, Forty Thieves and a host of other gangs forced New York City officials to finally announce their city had a gang problem.
Today, gangs operate in every major city in America.
To the contrary, the number of people in street gangs seems to be on the rise.
There are three distinct types of gangs, and they are either defined by location, who is allowed in, or the gang's activities.