To produce fruit, seeds, or spores.
Fruiting body
The act of producing fruit, seeds, or spores; fructification.
Tomatoes will now be fruiting freely; thin out judiciously, avoiding excessive pruning at one time.
When the weather is not favourable at the fruiting stage, the otherwise hardy cotton plant displays its great weakness in this way.
Pertusariae should be represented by both fruiting and sorediate specimens.
In arctic regions lichens form by far the largest portion of the vegetation, occurring everywhere on the ground and on rocks, and fruiting freely; while terrestrial species of Cladonia and Stereocaulon are seen in the greatest luxuriance and abundance spreading over extensive tracts almost to the entire exclusion of other vegetation.
Shoots of peaches, nectarines and morello cherries are "laid in," that is, placed in between fruiting shoots where there is the space to be ripened for next year's crop.
For planting against walls, trees which have been trained for two years in the nursery are preferred, but maiden trees can be very successfully introduced, and by liberal treatment may be speedily got to a fruiting state.
The latter are now largely grown for market purposes, being more easily supported when carrying heavy crops, fruiting earlier, and the fruit being gathered more easily from the dwarf bush than from standard trees.
Scientifically speaking, bhang consists of the dried leaves and small stalks, with a few fruits; ganja of the flowering and fruiting heads of the female plant; while charas is the resin itself, collected in various ways as it naturally exudes.
The flower-stalk becomes recurved in the fruiting stage, and the fruit bears a number of hooks which enable it to cling to rough objects, such as the coat of an animal, thus ensuring distribution of the seed.
Spikelets oneto indefinite-flowered; in the one-flowered the rachilla frequently produced beyond the flower; rachilla generally jointed above the empty glumes, which remain after the fruiting glumes have fallen.
These coloured spots are due to the presence of a sorus or layer of countless numbers of minute brown spores, the uredospores of the summer fruiting form.
The developing seed thus encloses fungal hyphae, which remain dormant within the seed and in spring develop symbiotically with the growth of the wheat plant, doing no apparent injury until the time of fruiting is reached, when the fungus takes complete possession and fills the new seed with a mass of darkcoloured spores.
Ganja, the guaza of the London brokers, consists of the flowering and fruiting heads of the female plant.
In about 15 minutes we found a pair of the Prince Ruspoli's Turaco in a fruiting tree with lots of Silvery-cheeked hornbills.
The fungal fruiting bodies are smaller and less obvious on the grass flower panicle than on the cereal ear.
Observations of flowering and fruiting phenology were made at the time of mapping and seed collection.
Sunken, discolored patches of bark form white pustules in summer & red fruiting bodies in winter.
They have a green slime on top of the fruiting body which smells revolting to us, but which flies think is delightful!
Fruit trees are grown on rootstocks which affect the growth and fruiting potential of the tree, with dwarfing rootstocks recommended for smaller gardens.
Wych Elm produces a mass of viable seed with relatively young trees reach fruiting maturity.
Fruiting bodies take 4 to 6 hours to develop and they can start releasing asexual spores 10 to 60 minutes later.
Pruning of summer fruiting raspberries The plants need a ready supply of water to produce good fruits.
The fruiting bodies are reddish in color with a cap 6-15 cm in diameter.
They have a green slime on top of the fruiting body which smells revolting to us, but which flies think is delightful !
These are the fruiting bodies of white rot, known sclerotia.
From Martin Sounds like the fruiting body of a slime mold.
The wetter areas hold interesting bog plants, with especially good displays of fruiting cotton grass in mid summer and abundant dragonflies.
It likes a half-shaded position in good loam, growing fast and fruiting freely.
Fruiting Duckweed (Nertera) - N. depressa is a pretty creeping and minute plant, thickly studded with tiny reddish-orange berries, and with minute round leaves which are suggestive of the Duckweed of our stagnant pools.
Fruiting Kinds - Beside the older varieties of Quince known for generations past, there are now many improved forms.
It is a very pleasant way to plant a group of the best fruiting Hazel in the pleasure ground, or to form what is called a Hazel walk.
Fully exposed, the foliage is very attractive, and the plant has the precious quality of growing under Pines or various trees in perfect health, and fruiting yearly.
To ensure fruiting, several plants should be planted not far from one another.
Pratia - P. angulata is a pretty plant for the rock garden, creeping over the soil like the Fruiting Duckweed; the flowers white, and like a dwarf Lobelia, numerous in autumn, giving place to violet-colored berries about the size of Peas.
Flowering and fruiting go on continually, although in diminishing degree, until the advent of frost, which kills the flowers and young bolls and so puts an end to the production of cotton for the season.
For the more delicate species, such as the Callithamnia and Ectocarpi, it is an excellent plan to place a small fruiting fragment, carefully floated out in water, on a slip of mica of the size of an ordinary microscopical slide, and allow it to dry.
Seed predation and germination, fruiting phenology and forest microclimate were also examined.
It should be remembered that a single complete defoliation of a herbaceous annual may so incapacitate the assimilation that no stores are available for seeds, tubers, &c., for another year, or at most so little that feeble plants only come up. In the case of a tree matters run somewhat differently; most large trees in full foliage have far more assimilatory surface than is immediately necessary, and if the injury is confined to a single year it may be a small event in the life of the tree, but if repeated the cambium, bud-stores and fruiting may all suffer.