Marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger; boldly rash; hotheaded.
Three shops down, and my decision not to pre-order Twilight Princess suddenly looked a little foolhardy.
The king could hardly believe that David could be so foolhardy as to offer to fight against Goliath.
He was counseled and disciplined by his branch but remained unconvinced he had done anything foolhardy.
In retrospect Cut Piece seems dangerous, even foolhardy.
Ensure that it's strong and foolhardy enough to support, say, a load of textbooks or a small laptop, should you choose to carry one.
How does she feel when the neighbors tell her about Claire, the old lady who owned the house before the Smiths and vowed to kill anyone foolhardy enough to purchase the old manse?
Allowing an infection to rage on is foolhardy because the bacteria can reach your bloodstream.
But when Spike commits a terrible crime, Heaton decides to stand by him an act of astonishing, almost foolhardy loyalty.
Fortunately for me, I'm not foolhardy enough to send complete strangers thousands of pounds without some protection against fraud.
What they then did would now be considered foolhardy in the extreme.
His actions when fighting for his country in Italy might appear courageous, but they're shown to be foolhardy and ultimately self-destructive.
His actions when fighting for his country in Italy might appear courageous, but they 're shown to be foolhardy and ultimately self-destructive.
This approach is often foolhardy because a good architect will easily be worth his fee.
Mack's march to Ulm was therefore a necessity of the situation, and his continuance in this exposed position, if foolhardy against such an adversary, was at any rate the outcome of the high resolve that even if beaten he would inflict crippling losses upon the enemy.
As king, he still retained something of the clerk in the habit of his dress; but he was at the same time a warrior so impetuous, as to be sometimes foolhardy, and his policy was on the whole anti-clerical.
After Pultava (June 26, 1709), Peter, hitherto commendably cautious even to cowardice, but now puffed up with pride, rashly plunged into as foolhardy an enterprise as ever his rival engaged in.
Grimm has pointed out that the behaviour of Ulysses in that story is senseless and foolhardy, utterly beneath the wise and much-enduring Ulysses of the Trojan war.
He had considerable influence with Garibaldi, who, although in theory a republican, was 'greatly attached to the bluff soldier-king, and on several occasions restrained him from too foolhardy courses.
The Hebrew name for Orion also means "fool," in reference perhaps to a mythological story of a "foolhardy, heaven-daring rebel who was chained to the sky for his impiety" (Driver).
It may be urged in his favour that the general circumstances of the time, where they did not produce reckless and foolhardy daring, almost necessarily produced a somewhat excessive caution.
The heroic but foolhardy attempt of the brothers Bandiera, Venetians who had served in the Austrian navy against the Neapolitan Bourbons in 1844, was the first event to cause an awakening of Venetian patriotism, and in 1847 Manin presented a petition to the Venetian congregation, a shadowy consultative assembly tolerated by Austria but without any power, informing the emperor of the wants of the nation.