A group of birds that have suddenly started up from undergrowth, trees etc.
To cause to take flight from concealment.
The hunters flushed the tiger from the canebrake.
To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover.
A covey of quail flushed from the undergrowth.
Carmen felt the flush start up her face again.
A flush started in his neck and worked upward.
Her skin began to flush until it was pink enough to look human rather than the sleep of the dead.
The flush made its way to her cheeks.
She was trying hard to control her expression and the flush moving up her features.
The eyes that once turned from black to white to every color in between were now blue-green in color, and her face held a human flush enhanced by his lovemaking.
He waited for her flush, then released her and sat up, straddling her again.
The flush became hotter.
He admired her flush, and she looked away.
It would be wise to flush him from her mind - day and night.
A flush crawled up his neck, across his face and hid behind flashing dark eyes.
A hot flush warmed her cheeks again.
As his grip on her relaxed, she stepped away from him, a flush creeping up her neck.
In a few minutes, Dean heard the toilet flush and Winston emerged.
Lisa glanced sharply at Sarah, a slow flush invading her face.
Her green eyes pierced him to the core, and a light flush spread across her skin.
She met his gaze at last, a red flush creeping across her face.
She met his gaze and held it, her pupils dilating and a faint flush spreading across her features.
Nonsense! cried the count, suddenly reddening with an apoplectic flush over neck and nape as old people do.
She removed her gloves, wondering about the slow flush that was darkening his somber features.
Talon's flush grew darker beneath the red of exertion on his face.
A slow, languid smile crossed his features, one that made her body flush and ache for him.
A flush spread across the woman's face, and anger glittered in her eyes.
She feigned ignoring him, though he saw the flush of her face grow deeper.
Blood rushed to her head in a painful flush and one hand shot to her mouth.
A flush warmed her cheeks.
Justin stared at him, realization slowly bringing a flush to his face.
Raw, unguarded, a mix of desire and surprise that caused her cheeks to flush and her body to yield beneath him.
In match play each space is further marked off from its neighbour by thin string securely fastened flush with the turf.
Encouraged by this success Brill Flush ain d g.
The samson-post is placed flush with one side of the main sill, the band-wheel jack-post being flush with the other side, so that the walking-beam, which imparts motion to the string of tools, works parallel with the main sill.
I remember, yes, I remember you with the standard! said Kutuzov, and a flush of pleasure suffused Prince Andrew's face at this recollection.
The Dark One's mate took on a husky note that made her flush.
A warm flush crawled up her neck.
Carmen felt the flush start up her neck.
A warm flush rushed up her neck.
The flush crept up to her cheeks.
She stared at her plate, a warm flush starting up her neck.
A warm flush slowly crept up her neck and flooded her face.
Xander's low voice, with its naturally husky edge, made her flush.
His anger had settled enough for him to admire the flush of her cheeks.
The manubrium may be excessively long or very short, and in rare cases absent, the mouth then being flush with the subumbral surface.
The best seasons for these operations are early spring and midsummer, that is, before the sap begins to flow, and after the first flush of growth has passed off.
In the second flush two leaves only are left.
Do not go into criticisms or arguments at all; make full-blooded, rich, flush, natural works.
The turning off of some 15,000 Chinese (principally in 1869-1870) from the Central Pacific lines who flocked to San Francisco, augmented the discontent of incompetents, of disappointed late immigrants, and the reaction from flush times.
Stone flagged floor with some concrete blocks for repairs; heating grilles; flush plank flooring beneath the benches.
In the Terai tubewells and pour flush latrines are more common.
Just 9.7 per cent use modern flush toilets or " improved " pit latrines.
A biodegradable liner is used inside the diaper which can be removed to flush the contents down the toilet.