In a fluid manner; smoothly.
Photographers can fluidly move the sharp area around the photo by bending the flexible lens tubing.
Jolen sighs softly - Jolen rises fluidly, dropping random bits of his armor.
Make sure the platter is not warped and that the arm moves fluidly across the records.
Dogs with the best conformation will move fluidly, according to the demands of their breed standard.
Kratos moves fluidly, and loading time is fast.
Period. The sprites look a little clunky and aren't animated very fluidly, but everything else is hand drawn beauty at its finest.
Even tribal tattoos have a bit of fire in them as the sharp, winding patterns flow fluidly around the body much like a flame licks at the air.
In addition, the fluid motions of kettlebell workouts add a cardiovascular element to your workout once you have become versed enough in the exercises to perform them fluidly.
Keep your arms and legs moving fluidly to propel yourself from one end of the pool to the other.
They move fluidly, and the environments are quite well done too.