Frankly, when you cut through all the flowery words, he was a first-class con man—a rascal.
Both gardens usually had flowery meads, sometimes also called ' strews ' .
He was frighteningly nervous, but in Dean's mind his sincerity buried the flowery words of the Philadelphia insurance executive.
A knock on the door heralds the arrival of a magnificent woman in a flowery dress.
She was wrapped up in her red cardigan with her favorite flowery dress over the top.
Shojo manga are drawn in a very flowery, pretty, romantic style and deal with mainly romantic or emotional subjects.
What's more, Mankell does sound a little flowery at times.
In spite of all their flowery words, She 's now a sanctuary for the birds.
Extase Pure Passion Woman is a flowery, spicy, woody fragrance for women.
He made no attempt at a critical examination of historical traditions, and wrote in a flowery and often bombastic style, but in spite of this drawback, Mirkhond's Rauzat remains one of the most marvellous achievements in literature.
It produces a pale liquor with a slightly astringent taste that works very well with the flowery Bergamot flavor.
A crest featuring a cupcake and a flowery N hints both at status and relaxation.
The language is too flowery for my taste anyway.
Glenmorangie is a light, sweet whiskey, almost flowery, and is very smooth indeed.
The most common form of silver ingot was a disk with flowery patterns across its upper surface.
Flowers were not planted in beds, but sown in the grass to grow as a ' flowery mead ' .
I mix it 1 part to 6 parts golden flowery orange pekoe (GFOP ).
It is indigenous to Korea, Japan and China and has a flowery appearance.
Although the scent is floral, it is a sweet flowery fragrance you can almost taste.
The style of this fragrance is just sweet enough to be feminine, but not so flowery or sugary to be overly youthful.
Truly soulful and full of personality, the Soul scents captivate men and women with their respective woodsy and flowery notes.
Her inspiration comes from antique French fabric that has a lot of flowery designs, especially roses.
The bathroom will not only have a flowery look,but it will also have a flowery aroma as well.
Nothing spells out summer like a cotton sleeveless dress with a flowery print in feminine colors.
Dam Tam, a UK-based company that makes clothes from organic cotton including a flowery party dress that is adorable as well as comfortable.
Cheerful, flowery and fun, they are a perfect representation of the season.
Additionally, a spring dress, although light and flowery, would most likely be a bit heavier than a summer dress in climates with strong seasonal variations.
Pair it with a flowery headband and sparkly sandals for the perfect "winter is over" look.
In the 1400s, some of the flowery verse was put down on paper and one of the earliest written Valentines greeting from that time is housed in the British Museum.
Gone are the days when a "mature swimsuit" meant a loose flowery skirted suit with a matching cap.
Here, you'll be able to find styles that range from pleated skirtinis to tankinis that are embellished with beautiful flowery patterns.
It is not necessary for the letter to have flowery language or even be completely serious.
Choose your words carefully, but don't worry about stumbling over advanced vocabulary or flowery language just to seem romantic.
From there, these fashion accessories quickly took off, and along with flowery print dresses, began showing up on women everywhere.
Truth be told, the site puts a stronger emphasis on flowery language and pitches to buy their products than on actual predictions.
Don't obscure your skills, education or capabilities in flowery wording.
Even better is the fact that some of the robes offer interesting details like that of lace trim, or flowery embroidery, both of which help to further personalize and individualize the different look.
Seed cards, pieces of paper made with seeds that can be planted, are another flowery option.
This is a relatively rare find amongst the many pink and flowery free printable slumber party invitations out there.
But if you are looking for other opinions on the show besides the flowery, upbeat recaps that some other sites give you, then check out this site.
Options include adorable animals, flowery backgrounds, and cartoonish images that you can add to your Facebook page.
He always knew what to say to make people feel better – only now he couldn't talk, and even if he could, he might not be capable of the flowery words.
The graphic descriptions of Hungarian life in the middle and lower classes by Lewis Kuthy won for him temporary renown; but his style, though flowery, is careless.
There exists among many foreign observers an impression that Japan is comparatively poor in wild-flowers; an impression probably due to the fact that there are no flowery meadows or lanes.
Frankly, when you cut through all the flowery words, he was a first-class con man—a rascal.
He always knew what to say to make people feel better – only now he couldn't talk, and even if he could, he might not be capable of the flowery words.
O, flowery be the paths they press; And ruddiest human fruitage bless Them with a lavish loveliness!
Before long, we were down among the flowery meadows, streams and hamlets that made up these Auvergne farming communities.
The once opulent Spanish-style houses have large carved wooden doors opening on to cool flowery patios.
The most exciting thing was Sid demanding coal tar soap, nothing flowery scented that Kathy might get suspicious at.