A muscle whose contraction acts to bend a joint or limb.
Above this knob is often present an ectepicondylar process whence arise the tendons of the ulnar and radial flexors.
As a consequence these exercises can make only a very limited contribution to actually strengthening the flexors.
This stretch also hits the plantar flexors in the foot.
There was a significant improvement in knee extension strength, with no change in the strength of the knee flexors.
You should not have anyone hold your feet, as this focuses the movement on your hip flexors rather than your abs.
The muscles of your back, neck, chest and hip flexors may be tight.
Working at an office can put a considerable amount of strain on the the upper back, lower back, neck and hip flexors.
It's easy to let emphasis slip to the hip flexors if your only concern is getting your forehead to the floor, so keep your eyes on the prize.
This will help keep the focus on abs rather than hip flexors.
The muscles of the back and neck, as well as the hip flexors are often significantly stronger than the deep abdominal muscles.
One of the reasons that these exercises are so difficult for so many to perform is because it is quite difficult to isolate this muscle group without involving adjunct muscles such as the hip flexors.
When performed improperly using the hip flexors, this type of exercise can lead to lower back injury rather than preventing it.
Hip flexors are already extremely strong muscles because most people spend a good portion of their day with their hips flexed or flexing.
When they are strengthened even more by improperly performed crunches for the lower abs, the hip flexors can get out of balance and pull the lower back forward and out of position, leading to back pain and weakness.
Avoid using your hip flexors to raise your leg.
If you swing your leg, you are involving your hip flexors and using momentum.
Runners can release their hip flexors by performing knees-to-chest movements from a standing position.
A good stretching progression includes quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, inner thighs, outer thighs, calves, lower back, abdominals, upper back muscles, shoulders, chest, neck, biceps, triceps and forearms.
Do not pull on your neck or use your legs and hip flexors to perform the exercise.
After that, you will do some exercises for the hip flexors and obliques, plus some shoulder burners, which work the entire body.
You will also engage your quads, particularly the muscles attaching to your hip flexors, as you pull your thigh upward toward your hip.