A muscle whose contraction acts to bend a joint or limb.
The flexor perforans (9) is as usual inserted into the terminal phalange.
For this purpose the skin is tied by connecting fibres of white fibrillar tissue to the deep layer of the dermis along the lateral and lower edges of the palmar fascia and to the sheaths of the flexor tendons.
The flexor digitorum sublimis muscle arises fleshy from the long elastic band which extends from the inner humeral condyle along the ventral surface of the ulna to the ulnar carpal bone, over which the tendon runs to insert itself on the radial anterior side of the first phalanx of the second digit.
In porcupines and hares the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus are connected in the foot, while in the rats and squirrels they are separate, and the flexor digitorum longus is generally inserted into the metatarsal of the first toe.
Other inputs to the fast flexor were also potentiated.
The three middle metatarsals become fused together into a cannon bone; the upper part of the third middle metatarsal projects behind and forms the so-called hypotarsus, which in various ways, characteristic of the different groups of birds (with one or more sulci, grooved or perforated), acts as guiding pulley to the tendons of the flexor muscles of the toes.
Behind or superficial to this are placed the two strong tendons of the flexor muscles, the most superficial, or flexor perforatus (8) dividing to allow the other to pass through, and then inserted into the middle phalanx.
The perforating tendon is derived from the muscle corresponding with the long flexor of man, and the smaller tendon of the oblique flexor (tibialis porticus of man) is united with it.
Damage can occur to the deep flexor tendon, navicular bursa, or navicular ligaments all resulting in pain and lameness.
At the end of the six-week program, the subjects were retested for toe flexor strength and jump performance.
Golfers Elbow Golfers Elbow is pain in the region where the forearm flexor and pronator muscles fasten to the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
It is planned to develop a wrist flexor for this system to evaluate the usefulness or otherwise of this degree of freedom.
Damage can occur to the deep flexor tendon, navicular bursa, or navicular bursa, or navicular ligaments all resulting in pain and lameness.
Anatomy The posterior tibial nerve runs just behind the inside ankle bone in a tunnel covered by the flexor retinaculum.
In addition the flexor tendons of the hand may also become inflamed.
Benefit has been shown in conditions such as tennis elbow, de Quervain's tenosynovitis and digital flexor tenosynovitis ('trigger finger ' ).
Benefit has been shown in conditions such as tennis elbow, de Quervain 's tenosynovitis and digital flexor tenosynovitis ('trigger finger ').
For example, if the flexed arm of a child with normal tone is quickly straightened, the flexor muscle of the arm (biceps) will quickly contract in response.
Flexor muscle-A muscle that serves to flex or bend a part of the body.
Press down through your hips and torso to feel a stretch along the hip flexor of your back leg and the hamstring of your front leg.
Kneel on the ground as though you were proposing to someone - just the way you would kneel during the kneeling hip flexor stretch.
It is a little different from the classic sit-up in that it's a shorter range of motion that keeps the focus on the abs rather than hip flexor muscles.
An inflexible and shortened hip flexor muscle exerts a small but constant pull on the pelvic bone, tilting the whole hip slightly forward.
You can do this performing gluteal strengthening exercises as well as hip flexor stretches.
However, since your legs will be on the ball, it provides more back support and less hip flexor stress than the the traditional version of the exercise.
The boat pose is a challenging yoga move which will target your abs, spine, and hip flexor muscles.
When typically developed its long tendon passes the knee j oint, turning towards its outer side, and lastly, without being anywhere attached to the knee, it forms one of the heads of the flexor perforates digit, ii.
Deep flexor tendons not connected.
Poor flexibility in the hip flexor muscles may lead to an anterior pelvic tilt, where the pelvis is tilted down to the front.
Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle sending a strong vinculum to that of the flexor profundus muscle, the tendon of which goes to the third toe only.
Stretching of the muscles antagonistic to the extensors - namely, of the flexor muscles - reduces the jerk by inhibiting the extensor spinal nerve cells through the nervous impulses generated by the tense flexor muscles.