Capable of withstanding fire, either permanently or for a pre-determined time.
Also look into a fire-resistant file cabinet.
Office buildings can make use of their sound proofing, separating offices and confidential conversations from one another while ensuring that the tiles' fire resistant qualities will help contain a potential fire and potentially save lives.
Organic wool is a particularly good choice because it is naturally fire resistant.
This natural rubber 1-inch inner core with a layer of fire-resistant natural wool keeps baby drier.
The metal should be fire resistant and free from scorching or blackening - cast iron is usually the best option.
Brinks offers a wide variety of fire-resistant safes, each with varying features and costs.
Homes which structurally are more fire prone -such as shake roofs- are more likely to have higher insurance premiums than homes with tile or fire-resistant roofing.
Flannel nightgowns, though sturdy, are not fireproof or fire resistant.
However, remember that many of the uniforms available in the lower price ranges may not be made from fire-resistant materials.
A lab coat can also protect you from fires in the lab, as some of the fabrics are fire resistant.
The cost of a fire-resistant cabinet is usually higher than that of a standard unit, but the added cost is well worth the it for your peace of mind.
Also, the metal used in the roofing materials, which tend to be aluminum, steel and sometimes copper, are fire-resistant.
The records should be stored in a secure place, such as a safety deposit box or a fire-resistant safe or filing cabinet.
Drywall, or wallboard, is a sandwich of fire resistant gypsum between two layers of heavy-duty paper.
These tiles have been used for commercial applications for years for their ease of installation, sound proofing and fire resistant qualities.