A relatively rare or difficult accomplishment.
To form; to fashion.
To feature. I
The opposition was not always limited to feats of endurance of this kind.
Incest is one of the feats of Heitsi Eibib.
After performing several feats of valour, he was appointed by Hera to watch the cow into which Io had been transformed.
The principal feats of arms which mark the first years of John the Good's reign were the taking of St Jean d'Angely by the French in 1351, the defeat of the English near St Omer in 1352, and the English victory near Guines in the same year.
We know for certain that these feats, and hundreds more like them, are true.
Battles became all but bloodless; diplomacy and tactics superseded feats of arms and hard blows in pitched fields.
He had many prodigious diving feats.
In these degenerate days their supernatural powers consist chiefly in conjuring, sooth-saying, and feats of jugglery, by which they seldom fail in imposing upon a credulous public. (3) Sannyasis, devotees who" renounce "earthly concerns, an order not confined either to the Brahmanical caste or to the Saiva persuasion.
But we have to picture him as anon coming out and gathering about him a tatterdemalion company, and jesting with them until they were in fits of laughter, for the sake of observing their burlesque physiognomies; anon as eagerly frequenting the society of men of science and learning of an older generation like the mathematician Benedetto Aritmetico, the physician, geographer and astronomer Paolo Toscanelli, the famous Greek Aristotelian Giovanni Argiropoulo; or as out-rivalling all the youth of the city now by charm of recitation, now by skill in music and now by feats of strength and horsemanship; or as stopping to buy caged birds in the market that he might set them free and watch them rejoicing in their flight; or again as standing radiant in his rose-coloured cloak and his rich gold hair among the throng of young and old on the piazza, and holding them spellbound while he expatiated on the great projects in art and mechanics that were teeming in his mind.
The hit series is back with more superhuman feats of modern engineering.
There exists an unpaid Lifeboat Service which has carried out numerous unbelievable feats of courage.
Throughout Central and Southern Africa, the uncompromising terrain spawned some spectacular feats of engineering.
You may become even more tired if you have been trying to accomplish these rescue feats yourself.
Blaine's stunts aren't necessarily magical, just feats of endurance, mixed in with a little bit of crazy.
You earn "Madden Points" for completing certain feats in a game--Completing a 40-yard pass, for example.
Instead, the best Mario Party DS cheats are those that reward you for completing certain feats and fulfilling certain requirements.
The PSX GameShark is a device that allows players to easily enter cheats for their favorite games without needing to enter tricky codes or repeatedly perform feats of gaming single-mindedness.
Environments will continue to grow, making feats like load-screen-free games (as in Tony Hawk's American Wasteland and the Xbox's SSX 2) more commonplace.
Often described as sleek, streamlined and stylish, electronic wine bottle chillers are feats of technological genius.
This is a yacht lounging swimsuit that is as sophisticated as it is costly and completely useless for athletic feats.
Unfortunately, these feats of engineering can be somewhat uncomfortable when not properly fitted, prompting some women to believe that they could only have been designed by a man.
The video also shows tests run on laboratory mice in which the resveratrol-ingesting mice outperform their control counterparts in athletic feats.
Despite the seemingly glowing feats of resveratrol as demonstrated by Dr. Sinclair, quite a bit of controversy now surrounds the efficacy of this wondrous product.
One of the most impressive feats that can be accomplished with it is being able to prepare full pounds of homemade French fries from whole potatoes with only one tablespoon of oil.
Players move around the board game and are subjected to performing various feats.
The players compete against one another in feats of trivia about the show as well as jumbled words and nickname challenges.
Feeling others' pain can overwhelm natives of the sign, but if they can fight through the sadness they feel emanating from the world, they can accomplish remarkable feats to help stop that suffering.
Not every system has to be a state-of-the-art machine capable of magnificent feats.
He began as a performing artist, swallowing swords eating fire and slugs and doing feats of strength.
From the spectacular feats of engineering to the intricacies of renaissance architecture, France offers a great deal of sites to leave visitors with a distinct sense of awe.
This makes the Genesis ideal for young cheerleaders as they practice their first intricate gymnastics feats.
Whereas college cheerleading focuses on great athletic feats and stunts, professional NFL cheerleading is rather limited in the athleticism but, instead, promotes personality and community efforts.
This is why it is important for cheerleading squads to be up-to-date on the latest stunts and practice variations of these feats.
Judges look for classic moves like scorpions, basket tosses, and bow and arrows, but during transitions there are always new and interesting ways to accomplish these feats.
The first of these feats was "the Birdman," a Parisian tailor who decided that a parachute wouldn't be that tricky to sew together.
No wonder it is considered one of the premiere feats of engineering of the modern generation.
From crude, practical items made at home to elaborate feats of technical wonder designed by sewing wizards, to basic machine-manufactured pieces, a lot goes into that which spends most of its time unseen.
Many viewers enjoy watching the progression of the ice skating talents with the celebrities; by the finale, the celebrities remaining can pull off some impressive skating feats.
The building of the Canadian Pacific railway through almost continuous rocks for 800 miles was one of the greatest engineering feats of modern times.
He was represented as a warrior performing superhuman feats, as a ruler dispensing perfect justice, and even as a martyr suffering for the faith.
Poets of a later generation invented the story of the secret marriage of his sister Ximena with Sancho, count of Saldana, and the feats of their son Bernardo del Carpio.
The Greeks and Romans, especially the former, were skilled horsemen, and feats on horseback were a feature of their games.
Gairsay (33) was the residence of Sweyn Asleifson, the rover, celebrated in the Orkneyinga Saga for his exploits as a trencherman and his feats in battle.
But, although these eminent warriors were subsequently elected as vacancies occurred, their admission was postponed to that of several very young and in actual warfare comparatively unknown knights, whose claims to the honour may be most rationally explained on the assumption that they had excelled in the particular feats of arms which preceded the institution of the order.
The battle opened with a confused cavalry fight on the French right, in which individual feats of knightly gallantry were more noticeable than any attempt at combined action.
The recognized books of jurisprudence, some of which run to over twenty folio volumes, are vastly learned, and occasionally show sound sense, but excel mainly in useless hair-splitting and feats of scholastic gymnastics, for which the Arabian race has a natural gift.
Old legends represent him as having exterminated the Picts to the last man; and the Picts become, hi popular tradition, a mythical folk, hardly human, to whom great feats, including the building of Glasgow cathedral, are attributed, as the walls of Tiryns and Mycenae in Greece were traditionally assigned to the energy of the Cyclopes.
Every Afghan gentleman can read and speak Persian, but beyond this acquirement education seems to be limited to the physical development of the youth by instruction in horsemanship and feats of skill.
The Latin king rode behind the Greek emperor, without any of the insignia of his dignity, at the entry into Antioch; but their relations were of the friendliest, and Manuel - as great a physician as he was a hunter - personally attended to Baldwin when the king was thrown from his horse in attempting to equal the emperor's feats of horsemanship. In the same year Baldwin had to undertake the regency in Antioch once more, Raynald of Chatillon, the second husband of Constance, being captured in battle.
Both feats are deservedly commemorated by Augustus himself in the Ancyran monument.