Per contra the tax was wholly unfelt, a shilling a quarter only affecting an average family of four persons to the extent of three shillings per annum, or about three farthings a week, while it was paid little by little, as Adam Smith explains with regard to indirect taxes in general.
Thus we get successive multiplication; but it represents quite different operations according as it is due to repetition, in the sense of § 34, or to subdivision, and these operations will be exhibited by different diagrams. Of the two diagrams below, A exhibits the successive multiplication of £3 by 20, 12 and 4, and B the successive reduction of £3 to shillings, pence and farthings.
Throughout the Medieval period and into the 17th century, too few silver farthings were issued.
A debt of a thousand pounds is not discharged by two or three brass farthings.
It was the first bi-metallic coin issued in the UK since the tin farthings with a copper plug in 1692.
Smaller coins - one third and one quarter farthings - were minted mainly for use in some British colonies.