A fanciful or whimsical person.
Existing in or constructed from fantasy; of or relating to fantasy; fanciful.
He told fantastic stories of dragons and goblins.
Not believable; implausible; seemingly only possible in fantasy.
She entered the lab and stood gaping for a good ten minutes at the fantastic machinery at work all around her.
Resembling fantasies in irregularity, caprice, or eccentricity; irregular; grotesque.
Wonderful; marvelous; excellent; extraordinarily good or great (used especially as an intensifier).
"I had a simply fantastic vacation, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!"
The buildings were usually battlemented in fantastic form.
The architecture was fantastic, but not near as exciting as the ride on a ferry.
The women's heads are shaved entirely and the men's into fantastic patterns.
The Franciscans began to urge fantastic' objections, and, when Savonarola insisted that his champion should bear the host, they cried out against the sacrilege of exposing the Redeemer's body to the flames.
Fantastic photographs contain the unexpected.
Many of the mountains are of weird and fantastic shape.
What was going on behind those fantastic eyes, she couldn't say, but Pete's jaw must have dropped a mile.
Many of the emendations suggested are more fantastic than felicitous.
On the eastern side are numerous sand hills, formed by the wind into innumerable fantastic shapes, sometimes covered with stunted trees and scanty vegetation, but usually bare and rising to heights of from 150 to 250 ft.
I was hoping to see some snow, but this is fantastic.
The shapes of these ferruginous sandstones are very fantastic - tubes, hollow spheres, plates, &c., being common.
The interior of Cutch is studded with hills of considerable elevation, and a range of mountains runs through it from east to west, many of them of the most fantastic shapes, with large isolated masses of rock scattered in all directions.
At St David's he had trouble at once with his singularly turbulent chapter, who, finding that he was out of favour at court since Somerset's fall in 1549, brought a long list of fantastic charges against him.
At the end of the year 1864 Ruskin delivered at Manchester a new series of lectures - not on art, but on reading, education, woman's work and social morals - the expansion of his earlier treatises on economic sophisms. This afterwards was included with a Dublin lecture of 1868 under the fantastic title of Sesame and Lilies (perhaps the most popular of his social essays), of which 44,000 copies were issued down to 1900.
All of the above listed products are fantastic and a great buy.
They're memorable, unique, and fantastic at grabbing attention.
Check out some hole-in-the-wall restaurants that you've never heard of before, but which serve fantastic food.
To a new generation they seemed paltry, earthly and fantastic, and far-seeing men had good reason to regard them as a source of political danger.
When it comes to savings and saving energy, there are four fantastic benefits.
Yes, he had named three conditions, and yes, she remembered agreeing after that fantastic kiss.
The result is, on the one hand, a clearing away of much fantastic phylogeny, on the other, an enormous reduction of the supposed gaps between groups.
Symphorien Champier (Champerius or Campegius) of Lyons (1472-1539), a contemporary of Rabelais, and the patron of Servetus, wrote with fantastic enthusiasm on the superiority of the Greek to the Arabian physicians, and possibly did something to enlist in the same cause the two far greater men just mentioned.
One day there appeared upon the scene a piper clad in a fantastic suit, who offered for a certain sum of money to charm all the vermin into the Weser.
The Comtist system is utilitarianism crowned by a fantastic decoration.
The philosophy of history sketched in this work has something of value with much that is fantastic. In 1805 and 1806 appeared the Wesen des Gelehrten (Nature of the Scholar) and the Anweisung zum seligen Leben oder Religionslehre (Way to a Blessed Life), the latter the most important work of this Berlin period.
The decadence of Latin early in the 7th century is exemplified by the fantastic grammarian Virgilius Maro, who also illustrates the transition from Latin to Provencal, and from quantitive to accentual forms of verse.
On the Causse Noir is found the fantastic chaos of rocks and precipices known as Montpellier-le-Vieux, resembling the ruins of a huge city.
A peculiarity of the period is the development of decoration inspiretl by animal forms, but becoming more and more tortuous and fantastic. Only those eastern parts of Germany which were now occupied by Slavonic peoples remaiied uninfluenced by this rich civilization.
In spite of the long neglect, wilful vandalism and ill-judged restoration which the Alhambra has endured, it remains the most perfect example of Moorish art in its final European development, - freed from the direct Byzantine influences which can be traced in the cathedral of Cordova, more elaborate and fantastic than the Giralda at Seville.
The lower part of the façade is adorned with three fine portals and with reliefs of a fantastic kind in sandstone, arranged in horizontal bands, and has arcading under the gable.
After the success of his fantastic story The Time Machine (1895) he gave his time chiefly to the writing of romances, in which the newest scientific and technical discoveries were used to advance his views on politics and sociology.
For fans of legal trickery, it's fantastic fun.
Among flowers the orchids, with all their fantastic extravagance and mimic imitations of birds and insects, are especially prolific in examples of symmetrical effects without any repetition of similar parts or divisions into even numbers.
For customers who normally can't afford this high-end furniture, shopping at outlet stores can be a wonderful opportunity to get fantastic, high-quality furniture into their homes.
Aloe Vera is a fantastic astringent and toner for oily skin.
These are great for adjusting to the every-changing light and can be opened to reveal the fantastic ocean views.
However, for high-quality fabrics, here are some fantastic resources to help you in your search.
Both styles look fantastic in silver and have their own special features.
When put into execution the project produced in the Russian Church a great schism and numerous fantastic sects.
Forty-two years before his day, under King Pontius Pilate, there had appeared the true prophet Yahya or John son of Zechariah, an incarnation of Hibil, of whose birth and childhood fantastic stories are told.
A fantastic and elaborate doctrine of symbolism existed which comprised all nature; witchcraft, alchemy and medicine were its practical expressions.
There the gigantic cliffs, with their banded strata, have been broken into fantastic forms by the waves.
Fantastic as it was in some particulars, this project was partly realized 2 in more recent times, and it presented the best guarantee for the independent existence of Poland which had never been able to govern itself.
But the chronic state of rebellion in western Denmark, which, fomented by the discontented Jutish magnates, lasted with short intervals from 1350 to 1360, compelled Valdemar to renounce these farreaching and fantastic designs.
These four years were perhaps the most miserable and degrading in Swedish history (an age of lead succeeding an age of gold, as it has well been called) and may be briefly described as alternations of fantastic jacobinism and ruthless despotism.
He entertained fantastic ambitions, such as the annihilation of the Turks, the conquest of Egypt, the transporting of the Holy Sepulchre to Italy, the accession of his nephew to the throne of France.
An interesting, rather fantastic, portrait of a blonde girl wearing a wide cap, now in the Berlin museum, is dated 1507 and may have been done in the early months of that year at Venice.
The latter is said to have appealed to augury to determine the exact site of his projected foundation; but less fantastic considerations went far to settle it.
But the whole Assyrian history of Ctesias is nothing but a fantastic fiction; from the Assyrian inscriptions we know that the Assyrians never entered the eastern parts of Iran.
It is the prose epic of feudalism, and its romantic spirit, its high ideals, its fantastic gallantry, its ingenious adventures, its mechanism of symbolic wonders, and its flowing style have entranced readers of such various types as Francis I.