The imaginary land or abode of fairies.
Having qualities ascribed to fairies and their realm; fanciful, delicate, surreal, or diminutive.
The children built a fairyland cottage out of gingerbread, decorated with gumdrops and peppermint sticks.
So watch out you may be entering a fairyland soon.
It's fun to see what you're name might be in Fairyland and can also be a useful tool if you need to come up with a fairy name for a game or when writing.
Many of the stories have their scene laid in Himaphan, the Siamese fairyland, probably originally the Himalaya.
Such an enchanted human might spend the rest of his or her life in search of the entrance to Fairyland, or another glimpse of the fair one who had bespelled them.
Not only that, but it's equally relevant to understand that fairies are not the only mythical creatures who live within the fae realm also known as Fairyland.
Like Persephone when carried to Hades, or WainamoInen in the Hades of the Finns (Manala), a living human being must not eat in fairyland; if he does, he dwells there for ever.
He looked and recognizing in her both the old and the new Sonya, and being reminded by the smell of burnt cork of the sensation of her kiss, inhaled the frosty air with a full breast and, looking at the ground flying beneath him and at the sparkling sky, felt himself again in fairyland.
Fairyland Fantasy free clipart is another great resources for you to use.
These royal beasts are both warm friends of little Dorothy and have come to the Emerald City this morning to welcome her to our fairyland.
Yes, first I thought that we are driving along and imagining that we are going home, but that heaven knows where we are really going in the darkness, and that we shall arrive and suddenly find that we are not in Otradnoe, but in Fairyland.
In the 16th century a man widely known as Paracelsus proclaimed that the sylphs were small aerial beings that lived in a place called Fairyland.
They carry off children, leaving changeling substitutes, transport men and women into fairyland, and are generally the causes of all mysterious phenomena.
It is clear that in many respects fairyland corresponds to the pre-Christian abode of the dead.