Fabulous (great or spectacular).
These are so fab and I would love to use them with my 3/4 class.
You're looking fab, wish I had you're will power!
The food festival sounds fab, really wish I'd managed to get along there myself.
Haven't tried the food, but when it goes past it looks & smells fab.
For you see, the evil record company had other tricks up their sleeves, and waved bye bye to our fab foursome.
The club was superb, it was great watching the girlies having a go on the poles...All in all a fab weekend!
You can find wonderful wall hangings, well made kitchenware, fantastic cutlery sets, fab bedding, and cool lighting coverings.
The weather was fab, sea enticing, cliffs breathtaking, butterflies electrifying, books - well maybe next time.
Fitted waistband with little pleats all the way around, which open out to a fab full skirt.
Award for Fab Choc goes to Waitrose -- their own chocolate bars are vegan and very very scrumptious.
Beige and brown 60's overstitched ring-pull zipper a-line mac Fab late 60's early 70's mac by St Michael in beige with contrasting brown overstitching.
Overall impression was fab despite odd snort of laughter, particularly from boyfriend.
The Fab Four rocked the minds and warmed the hearts of a generation the world over, but it was when All You Need Is Love became the anthem of the anti-war movement that the power of music was truly felt.
Long tunics and sweater dresses layered over opaque tights look fab for both teens and tweens.
No matter how great a flattering cut or gorgeous color may be, without proper maintenance and trims, a fab style can quickly turn drab.
When hip hop was created almost 30 years ago by Kurtis Blow & Fab 5, Freddy couldn't have dreamed that today's hip hop artists would have the opportunity to create and launch their own lines of hip hop shoes.
Then there's the unbelievably cute Fab Cookie Boot.
This song wasn't the Fab Four's first single, but it was their first single to go number one in the US, heralding the start of the so-called British Invasion.
In addition to her reality TV stints (Life in the Fab Lane and an appearance on RuPaul's Drag Race), Simmons has had small roles in a number of films, including Beauty Shop, Waist Deep and Little Nicky.
Among the commoner of the galls of the Cynipidae are the " oak-apple " or " oak-sponge " of Andricus terminalis, Fab.; the " currant " or " berry galls " of Spathegaster baccarum, L., above mentioned; and the " oak-spangles " of Neuroterus lenticularis, 9 Oliv., generally reputed to be fungoid growths, until the discovery of their true nature by Frederick Smith, 10 and the succulent " cherry-galls " of Dryophanta scutellaris, Oliv.
See Hyginus, Fab.
A-line mac Fab late 60's early 70's mac by St Michael in beige with contrasting brown overstitching.
Beige and brown 60's overstitched ring-pull zipper A-line mac Fab late 60's early 70's mac by St Michael in beige with contrasting brown overstitching.
Green Apple candy - This is a fab blend of apples with sweet candy.
The original Fab 5 returns with an insanely catchy CD full of music that actually makes you feel alive.
Finally we've got a fab playable demo of Captain Blood, one of the most sophisticated programs we've seen for ages.
I've run them a few times absolutely fab.
And there's an all-too-rare gig by the rather fab Booster Atlas on Friday 25th August.
The fancy dress competition never fails to amaze me - the costumes people come up with are just fab.