An exploration or investigation
Serving to explore or investigate.
Exploratory work is associated intimately both with prospecting and with development, but the purpose is quite distinct from either prospecting, development or working, and it is of importance that this should be clearly recognized.
The purpose of the first phase was primarily exploratory in nature.
The object of the foregoing paragraphs has been to show in what way the positive, inquisitive, secular, exploratory spirit of the Renaissance, when toned and controlled by humanism, penetrated the regions of literature, art, philosophy and science.
The usual exploratory activities to Teddybear Island and solving anagrams from floating buoys ensured that boredom never even entered peoples heads.
It uses cartograms and additional statistical views of a data set in an interactive environment for exploratory analysis.
The baster lets me target individual moving critters, as well as exploratory sampling under rocks or in vegetation.
An exploratory dig in the ceiling of the mud tube near the last breakthrough point has also been commenced (see below ).
The DGLA kindly invited some HADAS members to visit the site to see their exploratory excavations.
We hope that the meetings will be informal, highly participative, and genuinely exploratory.
The setting up of an exploratory expedition would face different problems to those facing a sporting expedition.
In early 2004 it was also announced that the NCI had commenced exploratory Phase I/II studies with tariquidar in combination with various cytotoxic drugs.
Outcome measures The study was largely exploratory and descriptive.
Moreover, our study is essentially exploratory inasmuch as there is little academic writing on women and ceramics in Wales.
As this study is only exploratory, there is further work to be done, but I am really looking forward to it.
Specialization will come later once the fishery has developed, for at the moment it is all very exploratory.
At exploratory laparotomy raw bones were found impacting the bowel.
Geometric origami is often produced as a by-product of exploratory origami.
The group has just completed an exploratory trial of cognitive behavioral therapy versus graded exercise for chronic fatigue, with an economic evaluation.
An exploratory mission, which included two truckloads of relief supplies, arrived in Pristina.
While you mostly kill enemies or the bad guy's bosses or take over a town, you do have basic exploratory modes which allows you to find treasure, talk to other townspeople, buy and sell weapons and equip your army.
It can mimic appendicitis, and many people with undiagnosed FMF have had appendectomies or exploratory surgery of the abdomen only to have the fever and abdominal pain return.
Toddlers are naturally curious and exploratory, leading them to develop independence skills such as walking and talking.
A laparoscopy is an exploratory surgical procedure in which the doctor makes an incision and inserts a small tube connected to a camera to view the herniated area.
Some research has suggested that babies exhibit fewer visually exploratory behaviors when using a pacifier; they look around less and can seem less alert.
Finding a punk style that defines your image is an exploratory and individual task.
While Brad Pitt still changes his goatee and hair length from time to time, it seems his exploratory days of hairstyles are over, most notably his mullet.
Huxley set up the Department of Biology at Rice University in Houston, and took his first exploratory trip of America that year (1912).
While not every chore is age appropriate, there are many small tasks that children can master even in their exploratory toddler years.
On an exploratory mission, several pieces of a robot that looks exactly like Data is found.
If Captain Kirk was a swashbuckling risk-taker (and he was), it could be argued that he was an appropriate choice to captain an exploratory vessel in an Age of Exploration.
In this exploratory environment, far from oversight or ruling authorities, the Captain becomes the absolute monarch, and it takes a certain breed to embrace the risks without becoming a despot.
These exploratory machines go to places that humans really can't.
This exploratory element harkened back to the early days of the original Trek series as conceived by Gene Roddenberry.
Star Trek starships inspire the exploratory nature of the human experience within the fictitious universe of the Star Trek franchise.
Crusher specialized in exploratory and multi-species medicine.
For some, the quest for interpretation is exploratory and mystical but for others, it is pragmatic.
Several infections can result in symptoms similar to FMF (Mallaret meningitis, for instance), and many people with FMF undergo exploratory abdominal surgery and ineffective treatments before they are finally diagnosed.
On an exploratory mission, Chekov and another crewman accidentally discover the ship of the Botany Bay on Seti Alpha 4- a group of genetically altered supermen and women left on the planet by Kirk many years before.
This was the opportunity for a series of valuable exploratory journeys through the Tibetan provinces adjoining the Indian and Nepalese frontiers, which added greatly to our stock of information about Lhasa and the districts surrounding that city.
The name was given by Captain Cook, in his exploratory voyage in 1770, to the southern portion of the eastern coast of Australia, from some imagined resemblance of its coast-line to that of South Wales.
But that audacious exploratory energy which formed the motive force of the Renaissance as distinguished from the Revival of Learning took, as we shall see, very different directions in the several nations who now were sending the flower of their youth to study at the feet of Italian rhetoricians.
These far extensions furnish the basis for a vast amount of exploratory survey of a strictly geographical character, and they have contributed largely towards raising the standard of accuracy in Asiatic geographical surveys to a level which was deemed unattainable fifty years ago.
As the sinking of shafts or the driving of narrow entries or drifts is expensive, and as the mineral extracted rarely pays more than a small fraction of the cost, it is usual to plan this exploratory work so that the openings made shall serve some useful purpose later.