In an expeditious manner
Enrolment in the army proceeded everywhere without friction, and much more expeditiously than the military authorities had expected.
When you increase the organic matter in your soil, earthworm population will go up expeditiously.
Various special keys have been invented for performing the electrical operations expeditiously.
In 1898 also the municipal franchise, hitherto confined to ratepayers, was greatly widened; in 1900 the English system of compensation to workmen for accidents suffered in their trade was adopted with some changes, one of the chief being that contested claims are adjudicated upon cheaply and expeditiously by the same arbitration court that decides industrial disputes.
Lastly, recent research has proved that it was in 1494 that Leonardo got to work in earnest on what was to prove not only by far his greatest but by far his most expeditiously and steadily executed work in painting.
Thanks to Natasha's directions the work now went on expeditiously, unnecessary things were left, and the most valuable packed as compactly as possible.
The arbitrator shall use all reasonable efforts to minimize discovery and to complete the arbitration proceedings as expeditiously as possible.
Several arrangements have been devised for determining hysteresis more easily and expeditiously than is possible by the ballistic method.
To replace the ore-skip expeditiously by the man-car when the shifts are to be changed a crane is often erected over the shaft mouth.