A person, especially a priest, who practices exorcism.
The prostrations of the credens before the Perfect were in their manner and import identical with the prostrations of the catechumen before the exorcist.
I have never watched The exorcist in my life, it's a lot for me to take.
What convinced you and how did you become an exorcist?
The illusion is probably to divert attention away from the Oni's real body. old exorcist Oh-ho.
The 911 call her friend made prior to the hospitalization was leaked later, and it revealed that he called 911 and requested an exorcist.
Soon afterwards he received baptism, and two years later,, having left the army, he joined Hilary of Poitiers, who wished to make him a deacon, but at his own request ordained him to the humbler office of an exorcist.
We are justified in believing that both exorcists and readers, whose functions differed essentially from the mechanical employments of the other minor clerics, belonged originally to the " charismatic " ministry, and sank afterwards to a low rank in the " orders" of the church (see Exorcist and Lector).
You play John, who has supernatural powers as an exorcist, mage and occultist.
Many people have heard of the famous film, The Exorcist, but few people are aware that the true story on which the film was based actually involved a Ouija board.
Small children being threatened by the revenants is a particularly frightening scenario, exploited to good effect in 1973's The Exorcist and its sequels.
Mother's head very slowly turned 180 degrees, a fete I never saw repeated until I saw the 1973 film 'The exorcist ' .
The exorcist prequel will be directed by Paul Schrader and will begin shooting in November.
He has supernatural powers, uses magic, and is an exorcist that dabbles with the occult.
The 1973 movie, The Exorcist, was supposedly based on the case of a young boy.