To go out or go away from a place or situation; to depart, to leave.
To depart from life; to die.
To end or terminate (a program, subroutine, etc.)
(originally United States) To depart from or leave (a place or situation).
Income, returns, revenue.
It divides the exits from the bay into two, the Bocca Grande, about 16 m.
Gerbils are inhabitants of open sandy plains, where they dwell in burrows furnished with numerous exits, and containing large grass-lined chambers.
Some are contained in alluvial depressions in the river valleys; others have been formed by volcanic eruptions, the ejecta damming the rivers until exits were found over cliffs or through gorges.
The Arabs, however, succeed by closing up all the exits from the burrows with a single exception, by which the rodents are forced to escape, and over which a net is placed for their capture.
The harbours and exits of the lake freeze over, but the body of the lake never freezes completely.
The ghostly effects behind the screen & the witches entrances & exits were very arresting.
Each branch exits the cranium through a different site.
Obvious exits are west and east. a female elf with dark brown hair Jolen Sparra Ithani the Psychic Savant Jolen leaves east.
At this point the client exits, thereby closing its transport endpoint.
Often, a separate corporate division exits within the Secretary of State that handles LLC filings.
It then exits the canal through the infraorbital foramen to innervate the upper lip, cheek and side of the nose.
This large nerve exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen to enter the gluteal region - more info.
Small boys and other miscreants used to try to sneak in through the exits as paying patrons opened the door on their way out.
An internal thread at their beam exits may be used for installing mechanical shutters or various types of optical components.
We let the slavering hoards rush to block the exits.
Some move forward to intervene, others stampede for the exits.
Are there fire extinguishers in the center, and how many exits are in the building?
Next, buy a mat to catch any loose little that might come off his feet as he exits the box.
As the mixture exits the snow gun nozzle, it cools to a temperature that is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
As the couple exits the wedding reception area, many Hawaiian themed weddings ask guests to throw orchid petals instead of rice.
He then exits the house and looks up at the number on the door to be sure he has the right address.
Appropriate entrances and exits for students, staff and visitors to the building will be listed in the plan.
This portion of the plan would include which exits should be used for this purpose, as well as the best route to get students to a safe location away from the school property.
Make sure you are familiar with where the closest exits are located.
Exhaled air in the mask exits through an exhaust hole in the mask.
Yank the fire alarm and keep the camera ready when they stampede for the exits.
When you go through secret exits, you find yourself by a large cannon with a world number written below it.
If the family lives in an apartment building, the parent should point out emergency exits or fire escapes and leave candles and flashlight handy in case of a possible power failure.
While some larger models feature pilot lights, most portable models use a quartz igniter to ignite the propane as it exits the element.
While the travel routes should not vary, some free services are more current than others are and some take into consideration new exits, ongoing construction, new attraction, restaurant and roadside rest area closures.
Jade Cole can also boast one of the best exits from a reality television show elimination.
It's a two-level complex with three doors in and out, though these exits are closed during action.
In the episode "Saga of a Star World", Boxey and Muffit go to Carillon and exits near a tylium deposit.
Many Gastropoda deposit their eggs, after fertilization, enclosed in capsules; others, as Paludina, are viviparous; others, again, as the Zygobranchia, agree with the Lamellibranch Conchifera (the bivalves) in having simple exits for the ova without glandular walls, and therefore discharge their eggs unenclosed in capsules freely into the sea-water; such unencapsuled eggs are merely enclosed each in its own delicate chorion.
There are two chief exits - one, 7 m.
He accordingly fell back a few miles next morning to a strong position covering the exits from the Bar-sur-Aube defile.