(stative) to be; have existence; have being or reality
Electrostatic fields come from a voltage gradient and can exist when charge carriers are stationary.
A large number of hybrids exist in cultivation.
Aside from two laboratory samples, one in the United States and one in Russia, it does not exist on the planet.
Well, if you do exist, Mister or Missus Psychic, I'll find you first and smash you and your crystal to bloody dust!
When his lips found hers, the world ceased to exist around them.
Maybe the mother and sister didn't exist.
It was one of those moments when the world ceased to exist around them.
It could not exist because it was senseless and unattainable.
She would simply exist.
Calendars exist for other months which make no such regulations for any days.
The Australian seas are inhabited by many fishes of the same genera as exist in the southern parts of Asia and Africa.
His faith made him believe that his adversaries were in the wrong; but how great must have been this faith, which permitted him to undertake the work at a time when mechanical appliances for the execution of such an undertaking did not exist, and when for the utilization of the proposed canal there was as yet no steam mercantile marine !
It is quite consistent with the evidence to suppose that a seven-day week was in use in Babylonia, but each item may be explained differently, and a definite proof does not exist.
The " nardoo " seed, on which the aborigines sometimes contrived to exist, is a creeping plant, growing plentifully in swamps and shallow pools, and belongs to the natural order of Marsileaceae.
Bismuth is known to exist in all the Australian states, but up to the present time it has been mined for only in three states, viz.
Rousseau was also employed to paint architectural subjects and landscapes in the palace of Hampton Court, where many of his decorative panels still exist.
Traces exist of the vaults in which were stored the treasures of the dey.
The fox, of which several species exist, probably never ventured far into the plain, for it afforded him no shelter.
Bureaux dassistance exist in every commune, and are managed by the combined committees of the hospices and the bureaux de bienfaisance or by one of these in municipalities, where only one of those institutions exists.
A large number of other works by members and pupils of the same family, but unsigned, exist in Rome.
No remains, and of course no living species, of these tortoises are known to exist or have existed on the mainland.
Copper is known to exist in all the states, and has been mined extensively in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and.
The yield of tin in Victoria is very small, and until lately no fields of importance have been discovered; but towards the latter end of 1890 extensive deposits were reported to exist in the Gippsland district - at Omeo and Tarwin.
The ancient town, traces of the fortifications of which still exist, was situated near Lacco, at the N.W.
These four alkaloids exist in combination in tobacco chiefly as malates and citrates.
Here some remains of Cyclopean masonry exist; but the area enclosed, about zoo yds.
Phocaea continued to exist under the Persian government, but greatly reduced in population and commerce.
Similar ruins to those of Casas Grandes exist near the Gila, the Salinas, and the Colorado and it is probable that they are all the erections of one people.
It must have been rebuilt almost at once, for several bases exist, inscribed Augusto sacr(um) Perusia restituta; but, as we have seen, it did not become a colony until A.D.
A nervous system has been shown to exist in many species, and consists of a perioesophageal ring giving off usually six nerves which run forwards and backwards along the lateral and median lines; these are connected by numerous fine, circular threads in the sub-cuticle.
The so-called " contracts," including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of all, the actual legal decisions given by the judges in the law courts, exist in thousands.
Some fragments of a later code exist and have been published; but there still remain many points upon which we have no evidence.
Great differences also exist with regard to climate between northern and southern Italy, due in great part to other circumstances as well as to differences of latitude.
In Emilia both mezzadria and lease tenure are widely diffused in the provinces of Ferrara, Reggio and Parma; but other special forms of contract exist, known as the famiglio da spesa, boaria, braccianti obbligati and braccianti disobbligati.
External tympaniform membranes exist, with great variations, between the specialized one or two last tracheal and some of the first bronchial rings.
The essential feature is that the proximal end of the inner membranes is attached to the last pair of tracheal rings; outer tympaniform membranes exist generally between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th bronchial semi-rings.
Inner and outer membranes may exist on the bronchi.
Coal deposits exist in the immediate vicinity of the town.
To the same period belong the book of Micah, the earlier parts of the books of Samuel, of Isaiah and of Proverbs, and perhaps some Psalms. In 722 B.C. Samaria was taken and the Northern kingdom ceased to exist.
Minerals are known to exist in the northern section of the republic, and gold-mining is carried on to a small extent.
The surface is undulatory; marshy meadow lands no longer exist on the flat watersheds, and only a few in the deeper and broader river valleys.
The elective councils for the department and for the arrondissement (a new area which replaced the "districts" of the year 1795) continued to exist, but they sat only for a fortnight in the year and had to deal mainly with the assessment of taxes for their respective areas.
In the desert, too, there is a widely scattered tribe, the Salubi, which from its name (Salib, cross) is conjectured to be of early Christian origin; they are great hunters, killing ostriches and gazelles; the Arabs despise them as an inferior race, but do not harm them; they pay a small tax to the tribe under whose protection they live, and render service as labourers, for which they receive in the spring milk and cheese; at the date harvest they get wages in kind; with this, and the produce of the chase, they manage to exist in the desert without agriculture or flocks.
In like manner, after the French mathematicians had attempted, with more or less ingenuity, to construct a theory of elastic solids from the hypothesis that they consist of atoms in equilibrium under the action of their mutual forces, Stokes and others showed that all the results of this hypothesis, so far at least as they agreed with facts, might be deduced from the postulate that elastic bodies exist, and from the hypothesis that the smallest portions into which we can divide them are sensibly homogeneous.
Tin was known to exist in Australia from the first years of colonization.
Although no contemporary copy of Bagimond's Roll is known to exist, at least three documents give particulars of the taxation of the Church of Scotland in the 16th century, which are based upon the original roll.
Besides the delta of the Po and the large marshy tracts which it forms, there exist on both sides of it extensive lagoons of salt water, generally separated from the Adriatic by narrow strips of sand or embankments, partly natural and partly artificial, but havin openings which admit the influx and efflux of the sea-water, and serve as ports for communication with the mainland.
Silkworm-rearinr establishments of importance now exist in the Marches, Umbria, in the Abruzzi, Tuscany, Piedmont and Venetia.
In Latium leasehold and farming by landlords prevail, but cases of, nezzadria and of improvement farms exist.
Improvement contracts also exist.