A proponent or supporter of evolutionism.
On the other hand, many evolutionists ignore the certainty that there must be a continuum in any real evolutionary process.
This substance is endowed with a generative or transmutative force by virtue of which it passes into a succession of forms. They thus resemble modern evolutionists, since they regard the world with its infinite variety of forms as issuing from a simple mode of matter.
In conclusion, it is noteworthy that though resorting to utterly fanciful hypotheses respecting the order of the development of the world, Anaximander agrees with modern evolutionists in conceiving the heavenly bodies as arising out of an aggregation of diffused matter, and in assigning to organic life an origin in the inorganic materials of the primitive earth (pristine mud).
In spite of the statement that the nature of the organism is the most important factor in variation, the tendency amongst evolutionists has been to take much more account of the influence of external conditions.
The Ideen shows us that Herder is an evolutionist after the manner of Leibnitz, and not after that of more modern evolutionists.
The universal is, as Herbert Spencer remarked, a subjective idea, and the general forms, existing ante res, which play so prominent a part in Greek and medieval philosophy, do not in the least correspond to the homogeneous matter of the physical evolutionists.
Medieval writers contain nothing of interest on the subject, and the speculations of the earliest of the modern evolutionists, such as C. Bonnet, were too vague to be of value.
It is impossible not to see in this theory a crude anticipation of the "survival of the fittest" theory of modern evolutionists.
They are of special interest from the important place assigned to them in the arguments of Darwin and the Evolutionists.
The homologies between man and other animals which both schools try to account for; the explanation of the intervals, with apparent want of intermediate forms, which seem to the creationists so absolute a separation between species; the evidence of useless " rudimentary organs," such as in man the external shell of the ear, and the muscle which enables some individuals to twitch their ears, which rudimentary parts the evolutionists claim to be only explicable as relics of an earlier specific condition, - these, which are the main points of the argument on the origin of man, belong to general biology.
Kant's critical analysis of pure reason is more foreign to Locke than the attempts of 18thand 19th-century associationists and evolutionists to explain experience and science.
And very frequently arguments are adduced by evolutionists to prove that men's belief in the absolute character of moral precepts is one of the necessary means adopted by nature to carry out her designs for the social welfare of mankind.
Notable evolutionists and denier of divine creation, divine intervention and divine judgment was Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas Huxley.
The diamonds, formed deep inside the earth, are assumed by evolutionists to be over a billion years old.
The Reverend Green says evolutionists regard humans as simply an unfeeling concourse of atoms, so how can we have ethical or esthetic values.
Yet modern evolutionists talk about chance all the time.
Unfortunately, this seems to be exactly what most evolutionists think.