A surgical incision through the perineum made to enlarge the vagina and assist childbirth.
Only 1.4% - 15 women - had an episiotomy, whilst 28.9% had first- or second-degree tears.
The better you prepare your perineal tissues for stretching, the less likely they are to tear, or to need an episiotomy.
The Vietnamese women were most likely to have an episiotomy.
Although I avoided the episiotomy I did tear from finally pushing him out so fast.
I was given an episiotomy without even being asked.
She wanted to be able to protect my perineum, which I learned had not one, but two scars from the previous episiotomy.
To many women the prospect of a forceps or ventouse delivery, together with the often accompanying large episiotomy, is terrifying.
Restrictive episiotomy policies appear to have a number of benefits compared to routine episiotomy policies appear to have a number of benefits compared to routine episiotomy policies.
Ocular adnexal injuries like lid lacerations occur rarely during episiotomy or with the surgical knife during delivery with cesarean section has been noted 5.
Your doctor may need to perform an episiotomy, which means he will widen the opening of your vagina by making a small incision.
You can reduce your chances of needing an episiotomy by practicing perineal massage during your last few weeks of pregnancy.
There is also less pain associated with a tear than an episiotomy.
Often an episiotomy is done before a forceps birth, although tears can still occur.
Transmission of many perinatal infections occurs during childbirth, particularly in cases when invasive techniques such as episiotomy or artificial rupture of membranes are employed.
The chance of an episiotomy is decreased because the water softens the tissues surrounding the perineum, making them more pliable and able to stretch.
This is usually given for pain relief during crowning, an episiotomy, or repair work.
If there is only a small bit of repair work to be done on your perineum due to tearing or an episiotomy, you can wait until it is complete before breastfeeding your baby.
However, if the baby is very large or is having trouble and must be delivered right away, an episiotomy may be unavoidable.
If you had an episiotomy or any tears to your vaginal tissue, your doctor or midwife will now use stitches to repair the damage.
When he cut the episiotomy, my brother almost fell on the floor!
You will be cleaned off and possibly receive stitches if you needed an episiotomy.