To conceive or see something within one's mind; to imagine or envision.
These ambitious projects envisage intelligent agents with a wide variety of skills.
We currently envisage that this will take place early in 2002.
I think it can be very valuable in helping people move on, and envisage future scenarios.
I envisage one where low risk offenders get conditional cautions or fines.
Lenin did indeed envisage making radical inroads into private property.
Inclusive of private packs it is difficult to envisage more than an overall total of 60 drag and/or bloodhound packs.
It is hard to envisage us having political arrangements that do not include nation-states.
We are compelled to envisage this eternal process under the form of time, to apply temporal distinctions to that which is extraor supra-temporal.
We envisage that Specialist Migraine Patients will become a useful adjunct to the primary health care team.
Number of you end of the ptosis ipsilateral lacrimation envisage open society.