Pertaining to the environment.
These attempts to reject environmental variation rest on several grounds.
The second purpose was to examine the environmental biosafety of the approach.
Lower impact and a smaller environmental footprint doesn't mean austere.
Such cases show in the plainest way the co-operation of external or environmental and internal or constitutional factors.
It has been documented that environmental factors such as air pollution can provoke or aggravate asthma symptoms in those who are already asthmatic.
The provision of these facilities requires careful consideration to ensure they do not create environmental problems.
Use of such black box environmental forecasting can reveal missing structure in the deterministic models.
The significance of Fen Drayton Nature Reserve for its wintering bittern is not recognized in the Environmental Statement.
One of the highest profile objectors to wind farms is Dr. David Bellamy, the internationally known botanist and environmental campaigner.
Environmental concern prior to the mid 19th century is reflected in local authority bylaws relating to public health, nuisances and buildings.
Paper records are shredded beyond practicable reconstruction; tapes are completely degaussed and then disposed of in compliance with local environmental regulations.
The organizers say the stadia used for the event have all been refurbished and offer state-of-the-art environmental features.
Environmental legislation is not sufficient to meet sustainability targets so to achieve them, economic activities must take better account of environmental objectives.
Your local environmental group will be able to help and advise about what facilities are in your local area.
Biodegradable bags are made with materials that speed up the decomposition process, but they can still take up to six months to fully degrade, depending on environmental conditions.
Food miles have been under the spotlight recently as environmental concerns come to the fore.
It was agreed the report should include an appendix on the Dutch system for environmental planning.
The resulting preliminary biotope and sub-biotope groups of records were then checked to ensure cohesion of both the environmental and species data.
Our work will contribute to the modeling work of the MESH project by helping to define the physical environmental conditions that support benthic biotopes.
These ensure that manufacturers can enjoy the advantages of lower fuel bills and reduced environmental emissions without having to make any large-scale capital expenditure.
Environmental bionanotechnology - for example the use of nanoscale instruments to degrade industrial contaminants in soil.
The consequent decrease in the cost of producing electricity, reduced specific fuel consumption and reduced environmental pollution promises great benefit to the community.
Two contrasting methods for accelerating environmental degradation have been identified.
Due to the volatile nature of all types of video and film the environmental storage conditions must be strictly controlled to minimize degradation.
Perhaps the classic example here is global environmental degradation.
Environmental crimes affect significant numbers of people, while the range of laws governing such crimes crosses the public/private law divide.
And Anti-Apathy have been finding ever more entertaining, satisfying and intriguing ways to build social and environmental enterprises.
China has long been criticized by environmentalists for a litany of environmental crimes.
Because these plans are linked with major environmental impacts, they are being vigorously opposed by environmentalists.
The final two sections are broadly concerned with environmental ergonomics.
For anyone with environmental sensitivities, it may seem horrendous.
A newcomer to npn co-founder madeleine didn't fret the environmental lawyerthe dispute.
Copper pipe may need to be sleeved, which brings an extra environmental cost of the plastic sheathing.
This will directly benefit users of radiation thermometry resulting in tighter process control with the associated environmental benefits.
An entire industry of environmental remediation contractors has developed to help home owners resolve these types of problems.
Work begins on The Environmental Audit report with WWF, which helps spur rapid growth in environmental auditing.
The best way to reduce the environmental impact of solvents in a domestic situation is to reduce the use of products containing solvents.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere of the Earth.
Producing paper encourages deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.
As the Environmental Protection Agency requires cities to reduce their overall emissions, more cities are looking into ethanol as a fuel source.
For the consumer wishing to reduce their carbon footprint, these foods offer a sound choice which carries less of an environmental burden than other types of pet food.
In particular you will learn how to apply geophysics to geological and environmental problems.
Richard Bowen BSc MSc, Applied Geophysicist Richard has a background in applied environmental geophysics and joined the TerraDat team in 2001.
In some cases students obtain an industrial placement and work on a technical project relevant to environmental geoscience.
Environmental assessment of these deposits identified only occasional burnt grain and possible hammerscale, although this could be natural magnetic material.
The event was supervised by the environmental regeneration charity groundwork on behalf of the East London Business Alliance.
Our range of services has also expanded to provide a totally holistic approach to environmental consultancy.
This suggests that most Mode 1 assemblages are a result of environmental adaptations by Pleistocene hominids in the region.
DfID is currently revising its 1993 policy statement on green housekeeping to reflect the high priority the present Government has placed on environmental matters.
However, the environmental benefits of plug-in hybrids depend somewhat on the source of the electrical power.