In thermodynamics, a measure of the heat content of a chemical or physical system.
The relative weakness of the bond is reflected in the bond enthalpy.
The enthalpy values were obtained by integrating the specific heat capacity polynomial for each compound.
Table 2 shows calculated enthalpy of formation for some fluorinated reagents.
A second fluid 'B ' with a specific enthalpy of 160 kJ/kg also flows into the tank at a steady rate.
Again, it is impossible to know the total enthalpy (heat energy content) of the oxygen.
Thus, there is an overall positive enthalpy of unfolding at higher temperatures.
The hydration enthalpy offsets the enthalpy change in breaking up the lattice.
The first is the comparatively very high lattice enthalpy of the solid fluoride.
The term we are using here should more accurately be called the " lattice dissociation enthalpy " .
Also... bond enthalpy values apply to molecules in the gaseous state.
We call the heat changes associated with chemical reactions enthalpy changes (D H ).
The enthalpy values were obtained by integrating the specific heat polynomial for each compound.
There is a point, T E, at which the enthalpy of the supercooled liquid falls below that of the crystalline solid.
The increase in C P in the supercooled region is because most of the anomalous enthalpy change is associated with the anomalous volume change.