Bright meteors often emit the bluish-white light suggestive of burning magnesium.
Normal light bulbs emit more red then blue light.
In the not too distant future, tiny robots will detect pests on produce and emit a signal to shoo them away.
So long as bodies are in the solid state the light which they emit, though different in.
Young foxes can be tamed to a certain extent, and do not then emit the well-known odour to any great degree unless excited.
Flameless candles also do not emit carbon when they burn.
The only noise the Tasmanian wombat makes is a low hissing, but the hairy-nosed wombat is said to emit a short quick grunt when annoyed.
As soon as a spark-gap was introduced, or the condenser began to emit the humming sound peculiar to it, the beautiful blue glow so characteristic of argon immediately appeared.
A dissolved in B and B dissolved in A, since both of these solutions emit vapours of the same composition (this follows since the same vapour must be in equilibrium with both solutions, for if it were not so a cyclic system contradicting the second law of thermodynamics would be realizable).
The well-known "fire-flies" of the tropics are large click-beetles (Elateridae), that emit light from paired spots on the prothorax and from the base of the ventral abdominal region.
Prairie fires or spontaneous combustion have ignited many coal seams. Some have already burnt out; others still emit smoke and sulphurous fumes from the crevices in the hillsides, and through the fissures may be seen the glowing coal and rock.
This phenomenon is connected with the fact that incandescent bodies, especially in rarefied gases, throw off or emit electrons or gaseous negative ions.
Some beetles emit a bright light from a portion of their bodies, which leads to the recognition of mate or comrade by sight.
Their colour is usually some tone of yellow with dashes of red, brown and green, and they frequently emit a pungent odour.
All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise.
They are all, as found in commerce, of a pale yellow-green colour; they emit a peculiar aromatic odour, and have a slightly astringent bitter taste.
They emit either a very loud siren, or voice alert whenever the alarm has been triggered.
We thus see that radium is continually losing matter and energy as electricity; it is also losing energy as heat, for, as was observed by Curie and Laborde, the temperature of a radium salt is always a degree or two above that of the atmosphere, and they estimated that a gramme of pure radium would emit about 100 gramme-calories per hour.
In classic or traditional feng shui practice, crystals have positive vibrations, which cause the stones to emit positive chi.
Strange odor - Bed bugs emit a strange odor often likened to the scent of raspberries.
At the end of this process the remnant star will cease to emit radiation and will become a ' black dwarf ' .
Bats emit high pitch pulses which are too high for the human ear to hear.
Since warm colors reflect light, the walls emit that heat into the room.
It is believed that the males of these species signal to their females by means of the sound these organs emit.
In many cases the slimy masses of spermatia (Uredineae), conidia (Claviceps), basidiospores (Phallus, Coprinus), &c., emit more or less powerful odours, which attract flies or other insects, and it has been shown that bees carry the flagrant oidia of Sclerotinia to the stigma of Vaccinium and infect it, and that flies carry away the foetid spores of Phallus, just as pollen is dispersed by such insects.
Its purport is that glowing vapours similarly circumstanced absorb the identical radiations which they emit.
It's known for instance that bees, which have a positive electric charge, can sense the negative charge that certain flowers emit.
But the aging McDonnell Douglas planes in the SAS fleet do emit significantly more pollution than the more modern airbuses.
Companies that emit more than their allocated allowance will be penalized.
These include taking to market the new forms of technology that will not emit carbon in to the atmosphere as a by-product.
We might emit some noxious fumes into the atmosphere by driving there, or leave a slight residue on a site.
Again, cloud tops are usually cooler and emit less infrared upwards than the surface, while cloud bottoms radiate some infrared back down.
Without the arising of speech intimation it would not be possible to speak or emit other sounds which convey a specific meaning.
What about reports recently that trees emit methane which is more damaging to the environment than CO 2?
Unlike LCD website design midlands displays which work by reflecting light, OLED displays emit their own light.
The fusion processes at the heart of Sun emit neutrinos of the electron variety.
Busses emit 68 times more nitrogen oxides and 37 times more particulates than an equivalent car.
New interpretation of not emit beside propriete nouvelle de.
Indeed, the isolated sytem does not absorb or emit anything... and, as a result, cannot be perceived by any observer.
What causes an excited atom or molecule to emit a photon?
Not only do they use less gas, tho, they also emit fewer pollutants into the air.
They also emit higher levels of other major atmospheric pollutants.
Simply plug into a standard electrical socket to emit an ultrasonic sound and an electromagnetic pulse.
Most types of cosmic object known to exist, from dwarf stars to the most distant quasars, are known to emit X-rays.
The RFID tag would, rather, emit a generic recycling or waste disposal message.
These lamps clearly emit measurable UVB in the range required for vitamin D3 synthesis.
Next the Mac started to emit a high pitched whine.
Many of the tropical American Elateridae emit light from the spots on the prothorax and an area beneath the base of the abdomen; these are "fireflies" (see above).
They are voracious and omnivorous, devouring, or at least damaging, whatever comes in their way, for all the species emit a disagreeable odour, which they communicate to whatever article of food or clothing they may touch.
When kathode rays strike certain substances, they emit a phosphorescent light, the spectroscopic investigation of which shows interesting effects which are important especially as indicating the influence of slight admixtures of impurities on the luminescence.