A measure for cloth. An English ell was 1 1/4 yards (45 inches), whereas a Scottish ell measured only about 37 inches and a Flemish ell was 3/4 yard (27 inches).
Cloth ell of 45 in., used till 1600.
The difficulty arises from the lack of Ell in the soil, some parts no less than io m.
Best wishes and Congratulations you now have two bookends dave and Anne Housley ell done Chris. we knew it would be you.
The report on tell ell el Farah (N) recorded a sacred site in the Assyrian period.
Carved into the inglenook fireplace are the letters ' ell ' and in the stained glass window lovers ' swans.
There was an old saying " Give him an inch and he'll take an ell " .
Cathedral and High Streets have restored 17th-century houses, one of which has metal ell, measurement for cloth, on wall.
At the masterclass, it was w ell received by both teachers and pupils, and their feedback prompted further refinements to the package.
See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES for detailed descriptions of the mailx variables. sh ell [shell-command] !
Branch visits give presidents a privileged insight into the wide range of exc ell ent planning activity currently taking place.
It is this close automatic interdependence cf engir e and boiler which makes the locomotive so extraordinarily w ell suited for the purpose of locomotive traction.
Washington State University offers several education programs, including Special Education, Deaf Education and English Language Learners (ELL) endorsements.
Between 2000 and 2002, nationwide ELL enrollment increased 27 percent.
English language learner (ELL)-A student who is learning English as a second language; also called limited English proficient (LEP).
Limited English proficient (LEP)-Used to identify children who have insufficient English to succeed in English-only classrooms; also called English language learner (ELL).
On the night of the 5th of February the transit began, the cavalry leading the way through the snow-covered ice, which quickly thawed beneath the horses' hoofs so that the infantry which followed after had to wade through half an ell of sludge, fearing every moment lest the rotting ice should break beneath their feet.
The title "chief rabbi" has become well known through the eminence of recent occupants of the position such as Solomon Hirsch ell (1762-1842).