Something that is an option or that may be elected, like a course of tertiary study or a medical procedure.
Students intending to spend a year in Europe will be expected to select language electives.
Can I take electives only at the WS society?
Students opting for a general MBA can choose any three electives from the total on offer.
Options and free electives In this year (my third) there's been a lot of scope for choice.
Drawing on these disciplines, a student may choose to select a pathway for his/her specialist electives.
Theses, student electives and the Historical Collection are kept in locked cabinets and must be retrieved by library staff.
This high school enrolls 1300 students and offers college preparatory classes, Advanced Placement, foreign language, interdisciplinary, electives, activities and sports.
Students who wish to emphasize or specialize in a particular area of law can choose electives from a broad range of courses.
For others, one-on-one time and a large field of electives is the best fit.
Quad C offers multiple campuses throughout Collin County as well as Internet classes for core curriculum, electives and certificate programs.
Students can tailor their programs with some electives, and the courses are flexible in that they can be completed throughout a total of two to five years.
It consists of a core curriculum involving modules, which outline and simulate practical business projects, and electives.
Students must choose two electives out of seven offered courses.
Available electives include criminal profiling, selected topics in criminal justice, hate crime, criminal law, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and forensic psychology.
In most high schools, classes that stress creativity, such as art, music, writing, and drama are electives and many may not be required.
Public school proponents often express concern that children who are educated at home may not receive the variety of academic subjects and electives that are available in the traditional classroom setting.
There are also grade appropriate electives which can be included depending on the package that you choose.
Online Christian programs offer a wide range of subjects and electives from which to choose, the teachers are qualified professionals, and most programs are nationally accredited.
The Inns of Court School of Law offers electives for the in-house PSC.
Our informal oenological academy has been going for five years with people dropping out for finals and medical electives, and jobs.