A person who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people.
Characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people.
My generation has been and remains obsessed with the problems of identity and with finding an egalitarian and just social system.
In the past, society in Northern Ireland has been very egalitarian.
Disputes about public policy toward the poor provide the clearest demonstration of the incompatibility between sectional anti-racism and egalitarian liberalism.
Suppose that social justice requires a relatively egalitarian distribution of resources.
Spurred by the egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution, the free coloreds revolted.
Finally everyone is able to express his or her creativity and imagination, music has become more egalitarian, if a little bland.
Acting independently, he argues, governments make policy decisions that are too egalitarian.
Civic republicanism is fundamentally an egalitarian form of politics.
Self help groups are essentially egalitarian and cooperative gatherings which put shared experience and personal stories at the heart of the group.
Misunderstood and under-appreciated, Buchanan created a vision of politics that was both more radically egalitarian and more secular than anything before.
For me quot coverage is higher care egalitarian access.
Nowhere is this truer than in the small, egalitarian, formerly ethnically homogeneous states of Sweden and Denmark.
On the home front, married working mothers, even those whose husbands espouse an egalitarian philosophy, still find themselves saddled with most of the housework and child care responsibilities.
In the egalitarian world of the web, that sounds like an excellent way to run a group as individualistic as web designers are.
The first argument, similarly, does not seem obviously compatible with a morally egalitarian theory such as Rawls's.
John Major promised to reform the system to make in more egalitarian in the face of growing political embarrassment.
The Old Etonian Mr Letwin is, paradoxically, the true egalitarian.
For many, nudism was not just a therapeutic practice; it was a revolutionary plan for an egalitarian utopia.