To produce a high-pitched squeal, as in fear or trepidation.
Representing a scream or shriek (especially in comic strips and books).
Eek! There's a mouse in the bathtub!
Expressing (sometimes mock) fear or surprise.
I almost got fired from my job yesterday. Eek!
Representing the shrill vocal sound of a mouse, rat, or monkey.
A w eek of walking in the south of France, culminating in a three-day trek.
Even kids far too young to start at Hogwarts can dress in Gryffindor or (eek) Slytherin robes.
Gr eek culture had, however, both in " Hellenic " and " Hellenistic " times, a common essence, just as light is light whether in the original luminous body or in a reflection, and to describe this by the term Hellenism seems most natural.