Ecumenical doctrines and practices, especially as manifested in the ecumenical movement.
This new document does not attempt to change the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding ecumenism.
What has ecumenism to contribute to contemporary debates on racism, globalization, justice, peace, and gender issues?
But is this really the kind of level playing field that encourages ecumenism?
I do find it curious when people talk of ecumenism to mean ecumenism with other episcopal churches alone.
Let me say right away, before we enter into these verses, that the Bible does not aspire or teach false ecumenism.
So local ecumenism is alive in many places but the National Instruments are still viewed in many quarters with suspicion and doubt.
This has been the legacy of evangelical ecumenism which wants to re- embrace orthodoxy and Catholicism and everybody else.
This structure was more internationalist, reflecting greater ecumenism and church independence, and the end of Western dominance in the mission field.
Indeed the FIEC desires to encourage that kind of true and biblical ecumenism.