Misspelling of Eau
As a specific for gout colchicum was early employed by the Arabs; and the preparation known as eau medicinale, much resorted to in the 18th century for the cure of gout, owes its therapeutic virtues to colchicum; but general attention was first directed by Sir Everard Home to the use of the drug in gout.
Also known as eau de parfum, these are generally the most expensive.
The Splash collection was also unique when it was introduced because most high-end designer perfume names focus on the Eau De Parfums, leaving Marc Jacobs to debut the designer body splash.
Intimately Beckham will be priced at around £ 19.45 for a 30ml eau de toilette spray and £ 25.95 for the 50ml version.
Because the scent is lighter, eau de toilette may need to be applied more often than perfume.
The Paris Spectacular Gift Set contains a 3.4 oz. eau du parfum (EDP) spray, 2 oz. glistening body lotion, 1 oz. EDP spray and .25 oz. solid perfume.
Along with his infamous fashion empire, Marc Jacobs also offers a body care line including indulgent fragrances for men and women; Eau De Parfum, perfume purse spray, body crèmes, and shower gels.
The perfume comes in and Eau De Toilette spray.
In fact, the sets are often in the same price range as one bottle of eau de toilette, so you may walk away with several products for the price of one!There are many Cool Water sets on the market, each filled with a variety of products.
It includes an eau de toilette spray, a shower gel and an aftershave, all in 1.7 ounce sizes.
Keep it simple and minimal with this gift set, which includes a 2.5 ounce eau de toilette spray and a 3.4 ounce shower gel.
The avid traveler will appreciate this gift set, which includes a 1.7 ounce eau de toilette spray and a 2.6 ounce deodorant in a roomy black toiletries bag.
It is available in an Eau De Toilette spray.
This set includes a 1.7 ounce eau de toilette spray and a .02 ounce daisy shaped ring filled with a pot of Daisy solid perfume.
Tucked inside a round, gold cosmetic case with a large white daisy emblem, the set includes a 3.4 ounce eau de toilette spray, a 5 ounce body lotion and a Daisy perfume ring in the gold metallic pouch.
Daisy, Jacobs's newest fragrance, is available in several formats, ranging from eau de toilette sprays and body lotions to gift sets, at discounted prices.
The rich gardenia note is elegant and crisp at once, and the products range from lotions to eau de toilettes for up to 29 percent off.
The Daisy set will delight anyone who loves to layer the fresh fragrance - it includes full size and miniature eau de toilettes, a body butter and a convenient rollerball to tuck into a purse or clutch.
Limited edition and available only at Sephora, it contains travel sizes of the original eau de parfum and body lotion, plus a miniature lip compact filled with a bold red lip gloss.
This set, which includes an eau de parfum spray, a body lotion and a deluxe miniature perfume, is packaged in a sassy black signature tote.
As mentioned, longevity may be a concern, but in general solid perfumes tend to be less long lasting than spray perfumes (and perhaps even less than a basic eau du toilette).
Look for deodorants, shower gels, body lotions and even miniature size eau de toilettes, which can be popped into purses or desk drawers for quick touchups.
This scent, more eau de toilette than parfum, has a stronger citrus smell.
Beautiful Eau de Parfum Spray is considered fresh, light, and not overwhelming.
It can be worn alone or layered with Beautiful Eau de Parfum Spray for a more intense, long-lasting fragrance.
Spray Eau de Parfum on your hair brush before you run it through your hair.
This Pretty All Over set contains a four ounce body lotion and a half ounce eau de toilette.
Packaged in a charming pink tote bag, the set contains a three and a half ounce lotion, a one ounce eau de toilette and even a bonus lip gloss palette.
A light, refreshing scent sets the tone for the eau de toilette and moisturizing body milk.
The Spellbound fragrance was first introduced in 1991 as an eau de parfum spray.
Eau de vie (" elixir of life") was in use during the 13th and 14th centuries; Arnoldus Villanovanus applied it to the product of distilled wine, though not as a specific name.
This refrigerant and anhidrotic action is employed to soothe many forms of headache by bathing the forehead with eau de Cologne.
From one of the mineral springs comes a heavily charged water known in commerce as "Eau de Vals," and in great request in Smyrna.
The word 6 uXia from iatXEiv (buou, Eau)), meaning communion, intercourse, and especially interchange of thought and feeling by means of words (conversation), was early employed in classical Greek to denote the instruction which a philosopher gave to his pupils in familiar talk (Xenophon, Memorabilia, I.
It was again described by Albert le Grand in the 13th century and by Raimon Lull, who prepared it by heating nitre and clay and called it "eau forte."
It receives at Bex the Avancon (right), flowing from the glaciers of the Diablerets range, at Monthey the Vieze (left), from Champery and the Val d'Illiez, and at Aigle the Grande Eau (right), from the valley of Ormonts-dessus.
Similar liquids are obtained with a basis of sodium (" eau de Javel "), by passing chlorine into solutions of sodium carbonate.
A solution of sodium hypochlorite (Eau de Javel), which can be prepared by passing chlorine into a cold aqueous solution of caustic soda, has been extensively used for bleaching purposes.
His plump white neck stood out sharply above the black collar of his uniform, and he smelled of Eau de Cologne.
Another valet, with his finger over the mouth of a bottle, was sprinkling Eau de Cologne on the Emperor's pampered body with an expression which seemed to say that he alone knew where and how much Eau de Cologne should be sprinkled.
Next in strength is toilet water, or eau de toilette.