A unit of force in the CGS system; the force required to accelerate a mass of one gram by one centimetre per second per second. Symbol: dyn.
Taking the centimetre, gramme and second as our fundamental units, the most convenient unit of force is that which, acting on a gramme for a second, produces in it a velocity of a centimetre per second; this is called a Dyne.
The unit of work is that which is required to overcome a resistance of a dyne over a centimetre, and is called an Erg.
A unit magnetic pole is that which acts on an equal pole at a distance of one centimetre with a force of one dyne.
The unit of mechanical force in the " centimetre, gramme, second " (C.G.S.) system of units is the dyne, which is approximately equal to 1/981 part of the weight of one gramme.
A very small sphere is said then to possess a charge of one electrostatic unit of quantity, when it repels another similar and similarly electrified body with a force of one dyne, the centres being at a distance of one centimetre, provided that the spheres are in vacuo or immersed in some insulator, the dielectric constant of which is' taken as unity.
In the latitude of Paris the dyne is equal to the weight of about of a gramme, and the erg is the amount of work required to raise Ti lerof a gramme vertically through one centimetre.
Zero works for Data Dyne and is sent out on several missions using high-tech weapons and equipment.