Of a dynamic nature; variable or constantly changing nature.
It would have been folly to explain to him that he was the first man to affect her so dynamically, but she didn't want to leave him with the impression that she was a nymph either.
Please note that this can fail in case the IP address changes due to dynamically assigned IP addresses or proxy servers.
Unlike C but like most Lisp dialects, Perl internally and dynamically handles all memory allocation, garbage collection, and type coercion.
These are links which are dynamically computed when requested.
These variables are now used to dynamically generate the SiteMap.
Such reform would create the incentives for services to improve dynamically.
The following invocations of ' foo ' demonstrates the fact that the language is dynamically typed.
Work dynamically, openly and enthusiastically with retailers at local and national levels to develop measurable, sustainable improvements in profitability.
Being both absolute and changeable, remote and immediate, physical but also metaphysical, the sky engages dynamically with the poet's solitude.
Controls are also provided to allow the user to dynamically resize the individual panes.
It has a manual stepper for constructing plans and dynamically testing domain definitions.
A host of modifications including stiffened, lowered suspension, tweaked power steering and up-rated brakes will ensure the car cuts the mustard dynamically.
An elongated shot is made to preserve its axial flight through the air by giving it the spin sufficient for stability, without which it would turn broadside to its advance; a top in the same way is made to stand upright on the point in the position of equilibrium, unstable statically but dynamically stable if the spin is sufficient; and the investigation proceeds in the same way for the two problems (see Gyroscope).
Then, dynamically, Cosmic bounded in, hurdling the step into the library, and scuttled across the floor.
Shiseido Very Light Pressed Powder is only one of the many great products avalable from this dynamically popular cosmetics company.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of this game is that players can dynamically switch between a 2D and 3D gaming environment, navigating their way through classic Mario-themed stages.
Each time you play a particular song, you will be treated to pretty much the same video in the background, whereas X360 and PS3 versions dynamically create slightly new music videos each and every time using some sort of random algorithm.
In addition to finding available hotspots based on an updated directory, these stumblers will also dynamically add more hotspots based on what the current iPhone is able to detect.
Nopola-Hemmi, et al. "A Candidate Gene for Developmental Dyslexia Encodes a Nuclear Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain Protein Dynamically Regulated in Brain."
It utilizes a massive database of detailed information collected dynamically from our customers over the past three years to connect users with the parts and resources needed to help them fix their appliances on their own.
Perform this movement dynamically by moving from this pose to the starting position and then to the same pose with the opposite arm and leg.
Using basic data functions galleries can then be created dynamically based on the categories of what people want to see.
It should be noted that in the Web 2.0 world, frames and templates are both becoming quickly outdated, replaced by CSS and dynamically generated pages.
The technique takes HTML text and dynamically converts it to Flash text using CSS code and javascript that performs the replacement routine when the page is loaded.
Set up the images to pre-load with javascript statements in the HEAD portion of the document (you can have the images load dynamically, but that takes longer, and should only be used for very large images).
With the advent of dynamically generated sites, a great deal of HTML has been replaced by more suitable languages such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Even with a dynamically generated site, HTML is still necessary.
All PCs connected to ADSL share the same dynamically allocated address.
Never had a kiss affected her so dynamically.
Wolf that at ordinary temperatures the latent heat of extension of the surface of water is dynamically equivalent to about half the mechanical work done in producing the surface-extension.
Existent subjects, containing eternally all their successive predicates in the time-series, are substances, which when the problems connected with their activity, or dynamically speaking their force, have been resolved, demand - and supply - the metaphysic of the Monadology.
Interpreted dynamically the normal pressure of the surrounding fluid on a tube cannot create any circulation in the tube.
Lord Kelvin has applied the principles of Thermodynamics to determine the thermal effects of increasing or diminishing the area of the free surface of a liquid, and has shown that in order to keep the temperature constant while the area of the surface increases by unity, an amount of heat must be supplied 275 to the liquid which is dynamically equivalent to the product of the absolute temperature into the decrement of the surface-tension per degree of temperature.