With a regard to duty; in a dutiful manner.
I dutifully trekked back through the ranks, lying that I'd been cut off.
While Cynthia didn't explain her decision to fit God and church into their busy Sunday morning schedule, once again she dressed for church and Dean dutifully followed suit.
In his first letter which came soon after he had left home, Prince Andrew had dutifully asked his father's forgiveness for what he had allowed himself to say and begged to be restored to his favor.
He dutifully accompanied us and said what a smashing time he 'd had.
To sum up the incidents of this eventful period of his life, it was during it that he lost his mother, always loved and dutifully honoured, by death; his sister had been estranged from him some years before by an imprudent marriage, which, though making her a liberal allowance, he never forgave.
Dean dutifully paused a few moments until Fred took off his glasses, slammed down the book on a table and said with a broad smile, I knew it!
They sat dutifully, sharing the pillow, and were calm for several moments before a discreet elbow match broke out between them.
I selected the very largest almonds I could find and dutifully ate the ten a day I was allotted.
Dieters would dutifully check off each box on their little paper chart to ensure they met the day's quota for each macro nutrient.
Taran trailed him and his personal guard, answering questions dutifully.
Most people saved that look for his mother while casting uncertain or suspicious looks at the masked child who followed her dutifully through the city.
Dean left the parking lot on Elm Street, turned left on Church, and after dutifully pausing for a calico cat to stalk a pigeon, he continued out Yoder Avenue, watching the city slowly dissolve in his rearview mirror.
However, I did dutifully close them for two somewhat chilly nights.
Each of the Council That Was Seven was represented, dutifully overlooking their father.s corpse.
It was nearly 8pm and getting dusky, but we listened dutifully as the warden went through the St Kilda by-laws one by one.
The optimist sailors dutifully paddled out through the shark barrier, drifted about on the tide for an hour and then paddled back in.
He dutifully trotted after the controller, up to the temple where offerings were being made to ram horned gods.
So if your child ends up looking like a giant fluffy cupcake, then her dress has dutifully done its task.
For some reason, the ear latches on to that rhythm, and it can be the difference between a chant being dutifully repeated versus being danced, clapped and moved to.