An elongated hill or ridge of glacial drift.
Glacial gravels are well seen near Antrim town, and as drumlins between Ballymena and Ballycastle.
Elsewhere south of the mountains the surface soil is mostly hard pan or till, this being deepest on the drumlins.
The area is dominated by rounded drumlins, with the characteristic smooth, elliptical form.
Evidence of this flow pattern is demonstrated by the numerous drumlins that compose much of the landscape.
In doing so, it left behind a legacy of flow orientated drumlins in the lowland areas.
The shores are thickly wooded and the surrounding drumlins are divided by a dense patchwork of fields and hedges.
This may go some way to explain the partial drift cover in the region and the widespread occurrence of rock cored drumlins.
They stand above the lowlands southwest of the Mournes that are characterized by southeastward trending drumlins.
This ice has left a legacy of numerous drumlins covering the lowland areas of the LCA.
A large, relatively intact lowland raised bog forming a distinct peatland unit set among low drumlins.
The passage of this ice is indicated by the many drumlins that typify the landscape.
The North Banbridge Hills is an area of elongated ridges and small rounded drumlins containing small valleys and areas of moss.
Farms and villages are concentrated on shallow drumlins, which often form prominent 'islands ' with a relatively diverse, well treed landscape pattern.
There are often small woodlands on the ends of the drumlins and dense hedgerows around the base, giving visual emphasis to drumlin landforms.
Landscape Key Characteristics Rolling drumlins with broad areas of wetland and bog in inter-drumlin hollows; small rounded loughs are fringed by moss.
It is generally accepted that the drumlins of Northern Ireland were formed by deposition beneath fast flowing ice.
Whilst some continue to exist as isolated small loughs, many have now been infilled by sediment washing off the surrounding drumlins.
Fields form an even, geometric patchwork over the drumlins, becoming irregular in shape on the flatter land in between.
This flow direction is confirmed by the extensive swarms of drumlins that are found in LCAs to the south of the Lagan Valley.
Below ca 350m, there is an almost complete mantle of drumlins forming an internationally acknowledged type example of a 'drumlin swarm ' .
The surface is diversified by drumlins, vales, meadows, sand-dunes and tidal marshes.
Small pockets of upland mixed ashwoods are quite common on drumlins, usually associated with hazel, indeed in some woods hazel is dominant.
Till drumlins, notably abundant on the lowland about Boston and the highland near Spencer; morainic hills, extending, e.g.
The most remarkable groups of drumlins occur in western New York, where their number is estimated at over 6000, and in southern Wisconsin, where it is placed at 5000.