To see imaginary events in one's mind while sleeping.
To hope, to wish.
To daydream.
Stop dreaming and get back to work.
To envision as an imaginary experience (usually when asleep).
I dreamed a vivid dream last night.
To consider the possibility (of).
I wouldn't dream of snubbing you in public.
Ideal; perfect.
They dream of time off.
It was a lucid dream; half awake, half asleep.
I thought it was every nurse's dream to marry a doctor.
A flash of a dream went through her mind.
Maybe that incident inspired her dream that night.
Since her dream, she'd heard him even when she was awake.
Dream interpretation certainly wasn't her forte'.
As if in a dream, she pulled it free and answered.
This is my dream car!
Did you dream while you napped on the sofa?
We talk and plan and dream about nothing but Boston, Boston, Boston.
The dream faded, and Jule slumped to the ground again, unable to fight the darkness.
He stopped as if awakening from a dream and lifted his head.
No doubt he didn't like being reminded that her dream could only be achieved by unnatural methods.
It was her turn to blush as she recalled the dream that episode had inspired.
Now a billion or more can achieve that dream, and I foresee a time not far off when everyone on the planet can.
It was the idea that I would never have one... the death of a dream, I guess.
It was only a dream.
Maybe the dream is a good thing, a peek at the past?
This comforting dream and hope were given her by God's folk-- the half-witted and other pilgrims who visited her without the prince's knowledge.
Pierre did not understand what his benefactor was saying, but he knew (the categories of thoughts were also quite distinct in his dream) that he was talking of goodness and the possibility of being what they were.
Only in a dream, she thought sluggishly and reached out to touch his cheek.
Howie made a special note of thanking everyone for going along with his dream obsession, apologizing for hogging our time.
If you do, perhaps I will dream again for you some time.
It was only a dream, but I thought it real, and my heart sank within me.
She has had a dream and is frightened.
I had a dream from which I awoke with a throbbing heart.
Actually, everything belongs to both of us, but I was the one who had the lifelong dream of a horse ranch.
The dream came to her mind.
I'll call it a dream for lack of another word but that's not what I experienced.
What happened to Howie was no ordinary dream, just as he said.
At least he could move around, in his dream state, while we were obligated to remain silent and unmoving.
There were many people in his dream, and he thought he should remember them.
The hardest thing (Pierre went on thinking, or hearing, in his dream) is to be able in your soul to unite the meaning of all.
He didn't remember the dream, but he saw that kiri was crying again.
She bit his neck gently, not wanting to hurt him despite the strange dream and hunger in her body screaming to be filled.
Didn't you ever have a dream?
Well, you will be coming," he was going to say, "to dine," but changed his mind and said "to take tea with us," and quickly doubling up his tongue he blew a small round ring of tobacco smoke, perfectly embodying his dream of happiness.
Now Helen, in her letter of February, 1890 (quoted above), alludes to this story of Miss Canby's as a dream "WHICH I HAD A LONG TIME AGO WHEN I WAS A VERY LITTLE CHILD."
Continuing to ride his wave of success, Kimmel finally realized his life long dream of following in the footsteps of his childhood idol David Letterman and debuted his talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2003.
With a start she realized that this was no dream.
Too bad you couldn't pick where your dream would take you.
Kiera babbled the entire time, convinced it was a dream.
The next hour passed as if in a dream.
He surrendered after a long moment, thrown into a familiar dream.
The Praefatio goes on to say that it was reported that the poet, till then knowing nothing of the art of poetry, had been admonished in a dream to turn into verse the precepts of the divine law, which he did with so much skill that his work surpasses in beauty all other German poetry (ut cuncta Theudisca poemata suo vincat decore).
I dream that I am playing my flute on the shore of a beautiful loch in the north.
When most bank employees got their degrees, they did not dream of nights and weekends in small branches in low-income neighborhoods.
With its even, predictable coverage electroless nickel could be the engineer's dream solution.
His dream was to own and run a successful nightclub.