A hinged bridge which can be raised (to prevent its being crossed, as across a moat, or to allow watercraft to travel beneath it).
It was formerly entered by a drawbridge over a deep fosse.
It consisted of twenty stone arches and a drawbridge.
There was a compressed peel of thunder as eight powerful hooves pounded across the wooden drawbridge.
An excellent harbour is furnished by the natural channel between the two islands; and communication from one division to the other is afforded by two bridges - the Langebro and the Knippelsbro, which replaced the wooden drawbridge built by Christian IV.
Then the General agreed to cross the drawbridge and enter the fort.
In the case of St Stephen's, the peak on which it is built does nor rise higher than the ground behind, from which it is separated by a deep, narrow chasm, spanned by a drawbridge.
The soldiers lowered a drawbridge at the top of the tower onto the castle wall.
The drawbridge of London Bridge having been lowered by treachery, Tyler and his followers crossed the Thames; and being joined by thousands of London apprentices, artisans and criminals, they sacked and burnt John of Gaunt's splendid palace of the Savoy, the official residence of the treasurer, Sir Robert Hales, and the prisons of Newgate and the Fleet.
It forms practically a single town with Geestemiinde (Prussia), which lies across the Geeste and with which it is connected by a drawbridge.
It consisted of a massive gatehouse and a walled bailey, approached by a wooden drawbridge.
The Siege tower has a working drawbridge, the battering ram swings on chords.
The Roman bridge had a drawbridge in the middle, quite useful to let through larger ships.
The moat was perhaps twelve feet wide, crossed by a single drawbridge.
The outside of the Northgate was defended by a drawbridge.
There was another platform, connected by a drawbridge, but this has long since been removed.
Running over the old drawbridge into the ruins of the castle.
The third is of the brick bridge over the moat which replaced the original drawbridge.
Here there was a small foot drawbridge, opening into a green (now Old Market street ).
This is from inside looking across the site of the former drawbridge.
In addition to the drawbridge there was a long, vaulted gate passage, 50ft long that was protected by two portcullises.
The Drawbridge at Majors Green is a pleasant canalside pub.
A sliding drawbridge thwarts the villains trying to attack your castle.
They had then rushed out into the hall, where Ames had turned the windlass which lowered the drawbridge.
Wyat took possession of Southwark, and expected to have been admitted into London; but finding the gates shut against him and the drawbridge cut down he marched to Kingston, the bridge at which place had been destroyed.
An ivory tower is better defended from behind a moat with a raised drawbridge.
Formerly a moat flanked the city on theland sides, and a drawbridge at each of six gates was raised every night.
A railway drawbridge and a traffic bridge across the river connect the city with Perth Amboy.
The plans called for a six-story mansion with 120 rooms, tunnels, a powerhouse, a drawbridge and even a dove cote.
A sheet cake castle might also feature a fun moat or drawbridge design in front.