One who sells cloths; a dealer in cloths.
Paul Stapfer (1870, 2nd ed., 1882); and many fresh particulars as to Sterne's relations with his wife and daughter, and also with the lady known as "Eliza" (Mrs Elizabeth Draper), are collected in Mr Sidney Lee's article in the Did.
Living cells were first seen in 1674 by Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch draper.
He was the son of a linen draper of the town of Bristol, where he was born in 1744.
Unless you are a local, you probably didn't know that the outside of Everwood High School is really Juan Diego Catholic High School in Draper, Utah.
The son of a former Rector of Passenham, John Jenkinson was a silk mercer, linen draper and wool stapler.
In 1636 he met with a congenial spirit in William Crabtree, a draper of Broughton, near Manchester; and encouraged by his advice he exchanged the guidance of Philipp von Lansberg, a pretentious but inaccurate Belgian astronomer, for that of Kepler.
He wanted to give 17th-century France the modern and industrial character which the New World had imprinted on the maritime states; and he created industry on a grand scale with an energy of labor, a prodigious genius for initiative and for organization; while, in order to attract a foreign clientele, he imposed upon it the habits of meticulous probity common to a middle-class draper.
Mad Men centers around the character Don Draper, who works for advertising agency Sterling Cooper in New York City, New York.
Eventually, Draper becomes a full partner in the revamped agency Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, and must juggle his professional career with his home life and the rapidly changing times.
January Jones plays Don Draper's wife, Betty, and mother of their three children.
There are numerous supporting cast members who round out the staff at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, and the family members of the main characters.
What man doesn't want to be Don Draper, at least at some level?
It's a way to channel your inner Don Draper without having to wear a suit and hat.
Famous couples are a popular costume options, whether they are based on real people - like John and Jackie Kennedy - or fictitious characters - like Mad Men's Don and Betty Draper.
However, some of California's best wine comes out of Randall Grahm's Bonny Doon for mirth and Rhône style wines, Paul Draper's Ridge Winery for Cabernet Sauvignon (think 1976 Paris Tasting), and David Bruce for some excellent Pinot Noir.
In 1856 a draper's apprentice, 21-year-old Thomas Burberry, opened his own store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England.
Their father, award winning musician Michael Wolff, appears on the show as the boys' father who is desperate to be in the band with them, and their mother, Polly Draper, directs most of the episodes.
Polly Draper, the boys' mother, starred in the show thirtysomething as Ellyn Warren.
Michael Wolff suffers from Tourette's Syndrome, and Polly Draper wrote a movie about his struggle called The Tic Code.
Each Order of Knights Templar had a Draper in charge of the Templars' linens and garments.
The Draper ranked very high in Templar hierarchy, with only the Master and the Marshal above him.
Each Draper had a varied number of tailors, two squires, and a brother to care for his pack animals and his four personal horses.Originally each Knights Templar was given a mantle, a white cloak and a wool shirt.
The Draper also gave each man a mattress, one blanket and a bolster.
In the first months of his tenure of office he had to deal with the furious opposition to Wood's halfpence, and to counteract the effect of Swift's Draper's Letters.
Draper, Notes on the Geology of South-eastern Africa," Quart.
After 1615, the date of the pageant prepared for the mayoralty of Sir John Jolles, draper, by Anthony Munday and entitled Metropolis Coronata, a peer was imported into it, and the yeoman of the older version was metamorphosed into the earl of Huntingdon, for whom in the following century William Stukeley discovered a satisfactory pedigree!
Henry Draper's most important contributions to science were made in spectroscopy; he ruled metal gratings in 1869-1870, made valuable spectrum photographs after 1871, and proved the presence of oxygen in the sun in a monograph of 1877.
Much material of value is contained in the Historical Collections (18 vols., Madison, 1855 sqq.) of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (1846; reorganized, 1849), and in the Bulletins of Information, Proceedings and Draper Series of the same society are many valuable historical papers and monographs.
What is missing in Draper's account is that Bolshevik anti-war agitation and organization among the soldiers did not disappear after April.
A short time afterward a traveling draper knocked at the door.
McGregor had moved to Birmingham to seek his fortune and opened a linen draper 's shop near Villa Park.
George Hudson who was born in 1800 and who became a draper in York.
He owned a draper 's business at 20 Queen Square, Wolverhampton, which had possibly been his father's firm.
In 1608 the youngest son of wealthy woolen draper left Manchester to study at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
Morris was the only surviving son of a local draper.
A woolen draper by trade, he had been involved with Whitefield's ministry in London since at least the 1760s.
He was an apprentice draper, teacher and biology student before he became a professional journalist and writer.
Draper offers the opinion that such incidents are not momentary slips on Trotsky's part.
He took his seat on the 28th of November as a supporter of the Draper government.
Of his two other daughters, Susannah, who married William Draper of Addiscombe, Surrey, survived him.
In 1886 the widow of Henry Draper, one of the pioneers of stellar spectroscopy, made a liberal provision for carrying on spectroscopic investigations at Harvard College in memory of her husband.
His son, Henry Draper (1837-1882), graduated at the University of New York in 1858, became professor of natural science there in 1860, and was professor of physiology (in the medical school) and dean of the faculty in 1866-1873.
Edward C. Pickering carried on his study of stellar spectra with the funds of the Henry Draper Memorial at Harvard, endowed by his widow (née Mary Anna Palmer) .
The great general houses such as Rylands's, Philips's and Watt's in Manchester, and Cook's and Pawson's in London, some of which are manufacturers to a minor degree, continue to flourish because under one roof they can supply all that the draper requires, and so enable him to economize in the time spent in buying and to save himself the trouble of attending to many accounts.
He was awarded the Janssen medal by the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1894, the Rumford medal by the American Academy in 1902, the Draper medal in 1903, a gold medal by the Royal Astronomical Society in 1904, the Bruce medal by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific in 1916, and the Janssen medal by the Astronomical Society of France in 1917.
Draper of New York in 1840; but it was not possible to do much in this direction until the more sensitive process of photographing on glass was introduced instead of the daguerreotype.