A sudden plunging into water.
To plunge suddenly into water; to duck; to immerse.
To fall suddenly into water.
To put out; to extinguish.
Keep a bucket of water nearby to douse the fire should it get out of hand.
Anyway, it seems as if the fire brigade were able to douse the flames before any serious harm was done.
This means your important documents and other items are protected in the event of a flood, and will also be protected from the water used by firefighters to douse your home.
We douse the wagons with lamp oil and light them.
They do not douse when I drizzle them from my green watering can.
Just as water tends to douse the bright and aggressive nature of fire, in astrology, the water signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces possess an emotional intensity that can almost restrict a fire sign such as Sagittarius.
Finally, douse your do with plenty of hair spray before heading out to your party.