The highest degree awarded by a university faculty.
To make (someone) into a doctor.
He now completed his studies, taking his doctorate in 1872.
For the doctorate in law, a thesis and two oral examinations are required.
Educated at the Ecole Normale Superieure, and at the French school at Athens, he received his doctorate in literature in 1868.
He was awarded a doctorate in Canon Law in 1991.
Westbrook offers doctorate level degrees in Holistic Health Science, Holistic Nursing, Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine.
The student was admitted without examination as bachelor after from four to six years' study, and after from six to eight years' study became qualified as a candidate for the doctorate.
During the ceremony, the Conservatoire will also confer an Honorary doctorate on city organist Thomas Trotter.
If I had earned that doctorate I would have wound up teaching in a college.
In July 2004 he received an Honorary doctorate from the University of Central England.
He holds a doctorate from the University of Rome.
He obtained a doctorate from the University of East Anglia in 1983.
The story of the award of Johnson's honorary doctorate in March 1775 is told in Boswell's Life of Johnson.
In this respect he is currently completing a part-time doctorate on Masculinity and Sleep.
The DBA is a practitioner doctorate, designed to make a significant contribution toward the enhancement of professional practice in the area of management.
The publication of her first novel was slightly overshadowed by Robert gaining his doctorate in law the same year.
A Doctorate is awarded on the basis of defending a thesis (tesis) as in the UK.
His researches were at that time directed towards the Byzantine period of the middle ages, and to this period were devoted the two theses which he composed for his doctorate in letters, De byzantino hip podromo et circensibus factionibus (revised in French for the Revue des Deux Mondes, under the title of "Le monde byzantin; le sport et l'hippodrome," 1871), and L'Empire grec au X e siecle, Constantin Porphyrogenete (1870).
He also prepared two theses for his doctorate in philosophy, De primis socialismi germanici lineamentis apud Lutherum, Kant, Fichte et Hegel (1891), and De la realite du monde sensible.
There is also a special doctorate, the " doctorat d'Universite," awarded on a thesis and an oral examination; and there are diplomas (Diplo nes d'Etudes superieures) awarded on dissertations and examinations on subjects in philosophy, history and geography, classics or modern languages, selected mainly by the candidate and approved by the faculty.
Doctorate degrees are also offered by a few institutions.
For those designers who currently have undergraduate degrees, consider furthering your education with a masters or doctorate in interior design.
She has a doctorate in clinical psychology and is a licensed clinical professional counselor and certified alcohol and drug counselor.
While the movie was not a hit, David Duchovny did get noticed and soon dropped out of the doctorate program at Yale.
For some students, the master's degree is a stepping-stone to a doctorate degree, creating a foundation of research and teaching responsibilities.
Not all doctorate degrees are research-based, and these advanced options are often referred to as professional doctorates.
While the majority of Master's degrees are not terminal (i.e. you can still go on to receive a Doctorate in the field), the MBA and MFA are considered to be terminal.
Times Higher World University Rankings rated UT Austin as 15th in the nation overall, with many of the university system's doctorate and degree programs ranking in the top 25 overall.
Securing a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can lead to becoming a licensed acupuncturist, a professor of acupuncture and a Chinese herbalist.
There is no doctorate required to be an Ayurveda Practitioner.
However, there are some general requirements that are needed when applying for a natural health degree program at the doctorate level.
The University of Natural Medicine located in Santa Fe, New Mexico offers bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in health sciences.
The University and Colleges of Natural Health also offers a number of different degrees from the bachelor's to the doctorate level.
There are also a number of universities that offer specialized doctorate degrees such as Westbrook University.
All of these universities offer very convenient distance learning options for their doctorate level programs.
In general, a doctorate in natural health sciences can be completed in four years of full-time study.
Distance learning degrees offer the benefit of flexibility that many individuals who are pursuing a doctorate desire, but if you decide to go part time, it can take longer.
Likewise, it is important to recognize that doctorate level work requires the completion of a dissertation, which can be quite time consuming.
According to the University of Phoenix Doctorate of Business Administration program, a collaborative case study focuses on the exercise of practical and professional management decisions.
A doctorate in business is one of the highest academically conferred degrees in the field.
The doctorate demonstrates knowledge of business applications, management and specialization.
Do you intend to go on to earn a master's degree or doctorate after your first stint with higher education?
If you're one of the fortunate ones, you'll spend an additional four years learning about every aspect of animal care as you earn your Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVM).
He went on to obtain a doctorate degree in animal behavior from the University of California at Berkeley where he is the Director of the Center for Applied Animal Behavior Department.
I studied Political Studies and Russian History in college and toyed with the idea of pursuing a doctorate in Russian History.
Many universities look for professors who have doctorate degrees to teach courses in recreation leadership.
Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's degrees in recreation, leisure studies or outdoor pursuits, and some universities even offer master's and doctorate programs.
She is also actively pursuing her doctorate degree in somatic psychology.
A recent doctorate study has found a link between genes that create apolipoprotein E (a component that transports cholesterol) and Alzheimer's disease.
However, he has since earned his high school diploma and holds six honorary doctorate degrees.
Carl pursued both undergraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees in Astronomy.