A drug or a substance that increases the rate of urine excretion.
Increasing the amount or frequency of urination.
Soda tartarate is purgative and diuretic, as is the citro-tartarate.
It has been used with success as an antiperiodic and antipyretic in ague, and also as a diuretic in gout and kidney affections.
It is slightly diuretic. Experimentally it has been shown to have a solvent action on uric acid, but its action in this direction in the body requires confirmation.
The common juniper is official in the British pharmacopoeia and in that of the United States, yielding the oil of juniper, a powerful diuretic, distilled from the unripe fruits.
The small portion which is absorbed exerts a diuretic action.
Used to remove toxins from the blood and also has diuretic properties.
Caffeine is a diuretic that dehydrates your body.
The lemon is a natural diuretic and it is an alkaline food that promotes proper pH balance.
Alcohol acts as a diuretic and is an inappropriate choice.
If you see this happening, make an effort to increase your water consumption and boost your water intake with broths, juices, and natural or caffeine-free teas, since caffeine is a natural diuretic and can also deplete the body of water.
It's also an effective diuretic that helps to eliminate excess salt and water from the body.Hawthorne is considered relatively safe under most circumstances, but use discretion when treating children, pregnant women or the elderly.
Sumac tea is said to be a diuretic as well as have antimicrobial properties.
The stems and leaves are steeped to make an herbal tea that is used as a diuretic.
As an herbal remedy, the root is used as a diuretic and to assist in fever management.
Green tea has astringent and diuretic properties too, which will help flush the kidneys.
It offers diuretic properties but also antiseptic properties.
Historically, the herb has been used as a diuretic and as a remedy for certain illnesses, such as anemia.
Drinks with caffeine should be avoided because of caffeine's diuretic effects (i.e. causes water to be lost through urine).
Drinks with caffeine should be avoided because of caffeine's diuretic effects (i.e., causes water to be lost through urine).
A powerful diuretic and fluids to restore normal sodium concentrations are administered rapidly at first.
Dietary magnesium deficiency is uncommon, but may occur in chronic alcoholics, persons taking diuretic drugs, and as a result of severe, prolonged diarrhea.
In addition to helping to prevent pregnancy, this progestin, called drospirenone (drsp) also seems to act as a diuretic.
It works like a diuretic, which can increase your number of trips to the bathroom.
An increase in energy expenditure such as accelerated use of carbohydrate and fat, an enhanced feeling of fullness, limited fat absorption and diuretic properties are common purported functions of diet supplements.
Soda, coffee, and tea all contain varying levels of caffeine -- a potent diuretic.
It is loaded with potassium, thus causing the diuretic effect.
It grows in marshy places; and is cultivated in China, the fruit having a supposed value as a diuretic and anti-phthisic. It was cultivated by John Gerard, author of the famous Herball, at the end of the 16th century as a tender annual.
Thus it is liable to cause a cutaneous erythema in the course of its excretion by the skin; it has a marked diuretic action; and it is a fairly efficient disinfectant of the urinary passages.
It is also an intestinal and hepatic stimulant and a feeble diuretic and diaphoretic, and has been considered a specific in some forms of neuralgia.
Potassium salts are strongly diuretic, acting directly on the renal epithelium.
The tartrate and acid tartrate are also diuretic in their action and, as well as the sulphate, are valuable hydragogue saline purgatives.
In small or moderate doses it is a powerful diuretic. Though Heidenhain asserts that rise in the renal blood-pressure has not a diuretic action per se, it seems probable that this influence of the drug is due to a rise in the general blood-pressure associated with a relatively dilated condition of the renal vessels.
Medical experts state that the beverage infused from the leaves has a stimulating effect, and is also slightly diuretic. The total amount exported from Paraguay in 1908 was 4133 tons.
Lithium salts render the urine alkaline and are in virtue of their action diuretic. They are much prescribed for acute or chronic gout, and as a solvent to uric acid calculi or gravel, but their action as a solvent of uric acid has been certainly overrated, as it has been shown that the addition of medicinal doses of lithium to the blood serum does not increase the solubility of uric acid in it.
Single caffeine doses found at the level in commonly consumed beverages have little or no diuretic action.
The benefits include carminative, antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic agents.
My doctor prescribed a diuretic, then later added a potassium pill.
The effects of taking a loop diuretic last about six hours.
An occasional mild diuretic may be considered in these circumstances.
Fennel seed has diuretic properties that aid in relieving fluid retention and in the elimination of toxins from the system through the urine.
Has the reputation as a "safe herb" and is most often used as a diuretic and in treating urinary tract disorders.
Dandelion Tea - The leaves and petals of the humble dandelion Tea - The leaves and petals of the humble Dandelion make a diuretic tea for treating fluid retention and urinary infections.
Potassium loss due to excessive diuresis may necessitate a reduction in the dose of diuretic.
Patients, who had ever received a diuretic, had a relative risk of gout estimated at 1.56.
Holding a lot of water and need a natural herbal diuretic.
It is also diuretic and speeds the elimination of toxins, which makes it valuable for treating gout.