A dissociative drug
Removing or separating from some association
It was a lonely, dissociative time in my life, when I stayed holed up in my apartment for weeks on end.
Causing dissociation
The dissociative techniques separated ammonium chloride into hydrochloric acid and ammonia.
Related to or caused by dissociation or dissociative disorders
He had to take a few weeks off school after a dissociative episode.
Dissociative disorders-A group of mental disorders in which dissociation is a prominent symptom.
Patients with dissociative disorders have a high rate of self-mutilation.
Also refers to a disastrous or life-threatening event that can cause severe emotional distress, including dissociative symptoms and disorders.
Viki's bouts with Dissociative Identity Disorder date back to the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, Victor Lord.
Viki has battled dissociative identity disorder for decades, and the condition has now affected her daughter Jessica, who has developed the alter ego Tess.
Slezak has been involved in some of the show's most compelling tales including the long-running dissociative personality disorder that split Viki into Niki Smith.
Her longest-running and most profound storyline involved dissociative identity disorder.
I tried to recall the terms Quinn had quoted; dissociative fugue, fugue state, entirely different personality.
Do you know what a dissociative fugue state is?