One who disobeys.
Not obedient.
The archbishop replied by excommunicating the disobedient professor.
It was very beautiful, but the disobedient fairies were too frightened to notice the beauty of the trees.
To these enforced controls we respond and become disobedient.
Prayer Loving Father, I am sorry for the times that I have been deliberately disobedient to Your word.
Children of permissive parents may be disrespectful, disobedient, aggressive, irresponsible, and defiant.
The babysitter wanted to avoid rebuking the kids, but it was necessary when they continued to be disobedient.
Ram Das himself, finding his eldest son Prithi Chand worldly and disobedient, and his second unfitted by his too retiring disposition for the duties of guru, appointed his third son, Arjan, to succeed him.
The sometimes loudly expressed irritation caused by ' the tail ' has not made anybody disobedient to this rule.
The strict moral climate of the day would have classed her fornication as highly disobedient.
The archbishops of Gnesen and Cologne and many minor dignitaries were imprisoned (1874); and the so-called " Bread-basket Law " was passed to coerce the parish clergy by suspending the salaries of the disobedient.
Beneficent sovereigns had always been in perfect concord with the gratefully loyal people, who had never been disobedient and rebellious.
Your more rebellious and disagreeable side will surface, causing you to become very disobedient to any order or imposed law in your family.
Turning once more his attention to the recovery of Normandy, he asked the barons for assistance for this undertaking; in reply they, or a section of them, refused, and instead of crossing the seas the king marched northwards with the intention of taking vengeance on his disobedient vassals, who were chiefly barons of the north of England.
Negotiations were carried on for some months, but in vain; in March 1411 the ban was anew pronounced upon Huss as a disobedient son of the church, while the magistrates and councillors of Prague who had favoured him were threatened with a similar penalty in case of their giving him a contumacious support.
But that is to speculate about God's providence - a practice that is highly doubtful if not disobedient.
He was around later when God's people were being so disobedient, that he had to deliver promises of judgment.
He found religious people tithing, giving a tenth, in a precise legalistic way, yet being fundamentally disobedient to God's word.
Just as the Curia was the supreme court of appeal in ecclesiastical causes, so also the pope threatened disobedient princes with deposition, e.g.
Often he is regarded as the maker of things, or of most things, and of mankind; or mankind are his children, descended from disobedient sons of his, whom he cast out of heaven.
The first muttering of the storm which was soon to break was heard in a breve issued in 1741 by Benedict XIV., wherein he denounced the Jesuit offenders as "disobedient, contumacious, captious and reprobate persons," and enacted many stringent regulations for their better government.