To exclude from inheritance; to disown.
But the act of parliament which embodied it did not formally disinherit the reigning kings son, as the treaty of Troyes had done, but merely ignored his existence.
Having married an accomplished young nobleman, Nicephorus Bryennius, she united with the empress Irene in a vain attempt to prevail upon her father during his last illness to disinherit his son and give the crown to her husband.
Parents are free to disinherit their children; and, if a son separates from the family without his father's permission, he receives no share of the property except a gun and his wife's dowry.3 The Lapps are of necessity conservative in most of their habits, many of which can hardly have altered since the first taming of the reindeer.
In order to disinherit his own family, Boffille de Juge gave up the countship of Castres to his brother-in-law, Alain d'Albret (1494).
During his time at Christ's he became a Protestant, despite his father's threat to disinherit him.
A father could disinherit a son in early times without restriction, but the Code insisted upon judicial consent and that only for repeated unfilial conduct.