To deprive someone of some privilege, especially the right to vote; to disenfranchise.
So, when during the Civil War Maryland was largely under Federal control and the demand arose for the abolition of slavery by the state, another constitutional convention was called, in 1864, which framed a constitution providing that those who had given aid to the Rebellion should be disfranchised and that only those qualified for suffrage in accordance with the new document could vote on its adoption.
In 1885 it was disfranchised.
The borough returned two members to parliament from 1558 until disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832.
The whole noble order was disfranchised; to be noble was equivalent to being shut out from public office.
The borough was represented by two members in parliament in 1300 and 1311, and then not again till 1640, from which date it returned two members until disfranchised by the act of 1868, the returning officer being the portreeve, who was also the chief magistrate of the borough until its incorporation by charter of 1846.
Winchelsea as a Cinque Port was summoned to parliament in1264-1265and returned two members from 1366 till 1832, when it was disfranchised.
Convicts not pardoned with an explicit restoration of suffrage privileges are disfranchised - a rare clause in the United States.
A constitution of 1868 gave suffrage to the blacks, and disfranchised all whites made ineligible to office under the proposed Fourteenth Amendment to the national Constitution, and also (practically) those who had by word, pen or vote defended secession.
The borough was represented in parliament by one member in 12 9 5, and by two members from 1298 until disfranchised by the act of 1867.
A severe persecution was initiated against the Alberti and other families, who were disfranchised and exiled.
In the course of time, therefore, the small towns came to be better represented proportionally than the large cities, and the growing class of artisans was entirely disfranchised.
Midhurst returned two members to parliament from1300-1301till 1832, and from that date one member until 1885 when it was disfranchised.
Okehampton returned two members to parliament in 1300, and again in 1312 and 1313, after which there was an intermission till 1640, from which date two members were returned regularly until by the Reform Act of 1832 the borough was disfranchised.
Under the act of 1832 the county returned four members in two divisions, Chatham was represented by one member and Greenwich by two, while Queenborough was disfranchised.
All publicity was suppressed, and one whole district was disfranchised because it persisted in electing candidates who were disapproved of at court.
Roman Catholics were disfranchised immediately afterward.
By the Representation of the People Act of 1867 the representation was reduced to one member, and by the Redistribution Act of 1885 it was disfranchised.
Aldborough formerly returned two members to parliament, but was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832.
The Municipal Reform Act of 1832 reduced the number of members to one, and in 1885 the town was disfranchised.
In the Irish parliament two members were returned for the county, and two for the borough of Castlebar, but at the union Castlebar was disfranchised.
The borough was disfranchised in 1867.
In the latter year the number was reduced to one, and in 1885 the town was disfranchised.
It returned two members to parliament as a borough from 1295 until deprived of one member by the act of 1867, and finally disfranchised by that of 1885, but no charter of corporation was granted until 1683, when Charles II.
After the reform of 1867 they returned only one member and in 1885 the borough was disfranchised.
In 1880 it was disfranchised for bribery, and in 1885 the borough was merged in the county division of Macclesfield.
Corfe Castle first returned two representatives to parliament in 1572, but was disfranchised in 1832.
Under the Redistribution Act of 1885 the borough was disfranchised.
In this conflict the tactical advantage lay with the monarchy; for the Magyars were in a minority in Hungary, their ascendancy was based on a narrow and artificial franchise, and it was open to the king-emperor to hold in terrorem over them an appeal to the disfranchised majority.
Ludlow returned 2 members to parliament, but in 1867 the number was reduced to one, and in 1885 the town was disfranchised.
In 1584 Bishop's Castle returned two members to parliament, and was represented until 1832, when it was disfranchised.
The town was finally disfranchised in 1832.
In 1873 the article of the constitution which had disfranchised the whites was repealed, and the Democrats thus regained power.
The burgesses returned two members to parliament in 1295, and from 1547 to 1832 when the borough was disfranchised.
Whitby became a parliamentary borough under the Reform Act of 1832, returning one member until it was disfranchised under the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885.
The borough also sent two representatives to parliament until disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1885.
The town was disfranchised in 1885.
The borough returned two members to parliament from 1302 to 1832 when the Reform Act reduced the membership to one; in 1868 it was disfranchised altogether.
The parliament, composed of a single chamber, was to consist of 460 members-400 for England and Wales, and 30 each for Scotland and Ireland - and the representative system was entirely remodelled, growing towns sending members for the first time, and many small boroughs being disfranchised.
Roman Catholics and all concerned in the Irish rebellion were permanently disfranchised and declared incapable of sitting in parliament, and those who had taken part in the war against the parliament were condemned to a similar disability during the first four parliaments.
Steyning returned two representatives to parliament from 1298 until it was disfranchised in 1832.
Paupers, idiots, insane persons and persons who are convicted of crimes which exclude them from being witnesses and who have not been pardoned and restored to civil rights are disfranchised.
In 1885 the town was disfranchised.
Every citizen of the United States, male or female, twenty-one years old or over, who has lived one year within the state, four months within the county and sixty days within the precinct has the right of suffrage, except that idiots, insane, and those convicted of treason or crime against the elective franchise are disfranchised; but in elections levying a special tax, creating indebtedness or increasing the rate of state taxation, only those who have paid a property tax during the preceding year may vote.
In 1862 the convention rejected the President's suggestion of gradual emancipation, disfranchised Secessionists, and prepared a strong oath of allegiance.
The constitution of 1861 disestablished the Church, confiscated a large part of its property, and disfranchised the clergy, but in 1886 political rights were restored to the latter and the Roman Catholic religion was declared to be the faith of the nation.
It was fought on a register purged of the rebel voters, many of whom, besides being disfranchised, were in prison.
Idiots, insane persons and persons convicted of serious crimes are disfranchised.
The early enthusiasm of the disfranchised classes for French principles had cooled with the later developments of the Revolution; the attempted invasions had roused the national spirit; and in the public imagination the sinister figure of Bonaparte, the rapacious conqueror, was beginning to loom large to the exclusion of lesser issues.
It first sent members to parliament in 1547, and continued to send two representatives till disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832.
Cricklade was a borough by prescription at least as early as the Domesday Survey, and returned two members to parliament from 1295 until disfranchised by the Redistribution Act of 1885.