Impolite; lacking consideration for others
So long as general good feeling subsists between two nations, neither will easily take offence at any discourteous act of the other.
I hated to be so discourteous but the only solution was to ignore them.
Among friends we take liberties or say things that would seem discourteous among strangers.
He expresses himself in very discourteous terms about you, my dear Comrade Radek.
The discourteous and underhanded treatment of this embassy by Talleyrand and his agents., who attempted to obtain their ends by bribery, threats and duplicity, resulted in the speedy retirement of Marshall and Pinckney.
Frame trapping is extremely discourteous, as it prevents the visitor from easily seeing the URL of the site you've linked to.
It is also discourteous toward those philosophers whose thinking one can, without refined knowledge of linguistic nuances, only pretend to study.