To pay out, expend; usually from a public fund or treasury.
Stewart, John Jacob Astor, and other New York men, on the Union Defence Committee, which (from April 22, 1861, to April 30, 1862) co-operated with the municipal government in the raising and equipping of troops, and disbursed more than a million dollars for the relief of New York volunteers and their families.
I further enclose a few remarks suggested by the appended list and an account of small sums disbursed to needy persons.
With note of money disbursed by him in Trinity Term.
Internal and audit reports clearly indicate that all funds are strictly disbursed in accordance with prescribed policies.
However, SACADA has not kept to its side of the bargain, and has not disbursed its funds.
Moneys due to a provincial governor from the state treasury were often, perhaps regularly, received and disbursed by the quaestor; the magazines seem to have been under his charge; he coined money, on which not unfrequently his name appears alone.
Success will be measured by the amount of funds received and disbursed to students entering GU from underrepresented backgrounds.
Most of the time, however, the full amount of the loans you wish to consolidate must have been disbursed.
Affordable Sea Burial allows clients to send cremated remains along with a fee and in return the ashes will be disbursed into the ocean.
For an all over red tone, have thin red highlights evenly disbursed throughout your entire head.
Funding for this program is provided by the federal government but disbursed by states.
Any remaining money is disbursed to the deceased borrower's estate, which is used to pay any remaining creditors and also as inheritance to specified heirs.
Many websites feature the option for you to fill out one application which is then disbursed to several lenders.
The new technique also improved the brilliance of the stones. 19th century cushion cuts disbursed light in block-like patterns, while the early 20th century cushion cuts refracted light in a needle-like pattern.
Without private owners or stockholders, the company's strength comes from the fact that policyholders own the company, with any profits disbursed to policyholders in the form of dividends.
The Prospect was acquired and laid out by Kyrle, who also planted the fine elm avenues near the church; his house stands opposite the market house, where he disbursed his charities; he erected the church spire, and is buried in the chancel, where his grave remained without a monument until Pope called attention to the omission.
Money disbursed by consuls on account of the illness or injury of seamen is generally recoverable from the owner.
The Republican members seceded, legislative appropriations were blocked, and Governor Morton was compelled to take the extraconstitutional step of arranging with a New York banking house for the payment of the interest on the state debt, of borrowing money for state expenditure on his own responsibility, and of constituting an unofficial financial bureau, which disbursed money in disregard of the state officers.
They can either be positioned around the face to highlight your features, or evenly disbursed throughout the entire head for a warm, natural effect.
The land revenue proper is assessed in grain, the salaries of government officials, pay of soldiers, &c., being disbursed by "barats" or orders for grain at rates fixed by government, usually about 20% above the city market prices.