(manner) In a different way.
But he'd treated her so differently than Sasha.
If I have since learned differently, I am not going to tell anybody.
In this matter, differentiation has proceeded very differently in animals and plants respectively, no nerves or sense organs being structurally recognizable.
Do you treat these calls differently from the usual calls?
I learned to move differently so I could survive.
The first is that we all value things differently, such as in our jelly bean example.
It'll react differently with your natural abilities.
But he employed Nordin quite differently from his episcopal colleague Olaf Wallqvist.
The question has been very differently judged.
After the code was firmly established, the Locrians introduced a regulation that, if a citizen interpreted a law differently from the cosmopolis (the chief magistrate), each had to appear before the council of One Thousand with a rope round his neck, and the one against whom the council decided was immediately strangled.
The coefficient of expansion is constant for such metals only as crystallize in the regular system; the others expand differently in the directions of the different axes.
Why would we conduct ourselves any differently in world affairs?
I'd treat you differently, but I'm sorry for your father, so I will conceal it.
She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently.
Not many people thought differently of the first Ancient Immortal, who had led the Council with six of his sons for many years before being killed.
The next important expedition was differently conducted.
If you ask her, she might say differently.
In 1894 and 1895, Fischer, in a remarkable series of papers on the influence of molecular structure upon the action of the enzyme, showed that various species of yeast behave very differently towards solutions of sugars.
Regular crystals expand equally in all directions; rhombic and quadratic expand differently in different directions.
It is likely that the name was differently understood in different periods and.
But not only is the character of the Reformation differently conceived from what it once was; our notions of the process of change are being greatly altered.
It was the same face he had seen before, there was the same general expression of refined, inner, spiritual labor, but now it was quite differently lit up.
Different types of sleep disorders affect sleep differently.
Martha, the little girl who originally told us about them, described them differently from what Fitzgerald found.
He considered the first night they met and how differently it would have played out if he had caught up to her in the parking lot.
The revenue receipts under the Republic have increased especially over those of the old regime in the item of customs duties; and the expenditure is very differently distributed.
The capitals are like those of the Basilica, but the details are differently worked out.
The vessels, especially those in which many differently coloured glasses were incorporated, required prolonged annealing.
But for this he would hardly have established so absolute an antithesis between industrial and military competition, and have shown himself readier to recognize that the law of the struggle for existence, just because it is universal and equally (though differently) operative in every form of society, cannot be appealed to for guidance in deciding between the respective merits of an industrial or military and of an individualist or socialist organization of society.
As soon as historians of different nationalities and tendencies begin to describe the same event, the replies they give immediately lose all meaning, for this force is understood by them all not only differently but often in quite contradictory ways.
Remember that different materials feel different and behave differently.
Do remember that different materials behave differently in hot and cold weather.
Counselors are always on hand to offer the required level of support following an abortion and teenage pregnant women are dealt with no differently than an adult whom has experienced an abortion.
If you made the wrong choice at the time, think about what you could have done differently to create a better outcome.
The program works differently than the main Coca Cola program in that students must find the Phi Theta Kappa nominator for their school.
The term organic is defined differently from the term natural by these watchdog agencies, but to the average consumer the descriptions may seem almost interchangeable.
Western jeans sometimes fit differently than average brands, so take note of how comfortable the fit is, how well the jeans accentuate your figure and whether or not they mix and match with other items in your closet.
Since women are all shaped differently, wear what works with your specific body shape.
Each store labels their clothing differently; just because you wear a 4x in one style, doesn't mean you wear it in another.
The same size 18 dress will fit each individual differently.
A breakage-sensing system works much differently.
A passenger that breaks his arm falling in the bathroom during turbulence is counted no differently than if a pilot misjudges a runway and the resulting crash results in a hundred deaths.
Online personalities can lead you to think differently of someone than you would with direct conversation.
Of course, each person is different and may experience symptoms differently and overlap the various stages.
Each car insurance company calculates rates differently, so you may be surprised to find that you aren't paying the least you can for the coverage you have on your vehicle.
Depending upon their age, these people experienced the 1960s very differently, because the 1960s most definitely ended very differently than they had begun.
Because of this, it is important to treat gray hair differently than you would treat hair that is still producing natural pigment.
One person may take the information and have a recurring dream while another person might process the information differently and have a nightmare.
While most people take 2 to 4 milligrams of Ativan to help their severe insomnia, everyone is different and respond differently to medications.
Both techniques allow you to see better in the dark, but they work differently.